On Tha Mic with M and T

Navigating Age Gaps: The Complexities of Dating, Attraction, and Social Stigmas

March 28, 2024 M and T Episode 59
Navigating Age Gaps: The Complexities of Dating, Attraction, and Social Stigmas
On Tha Mic with M and T
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On Tha Mic with M and T
Navigating Age Gaps: The Complexities of Dating, Attraction, and Social Stigmas
Mar 28, 2024 Episode 59
M and T

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Have you ever found yourself at a family dinner where your uncle arrives with his new girlfriend who's suspiciously close to your age? It's a scenario that raises eyebrows and a multitude of questions, which we tackle head-on in our latest episode. Join us as we dissect the controversial topic of age in relationships, from the double standards faced by older women dating younger men to the stigmas of older men with much younger women. We'll share intimate family stories that reveal the potential for strife when age-gap relationships clash with societal norms, and discuss whether love truly knows no age—or if there's reason to be wary.

Navigating the choppy waters of age-gap relationships isn't without its perils, as I can personally attest from a friend's experience that was more a cautionary tale than a fairytale. This episode isn't just about the drama, though; it's an eye-opening discussion about cultural and generational divides, the relatability factor in partnerships with wide age differences, and the sometimes-harsh realities of dating across life stages. We're pulling no punches as we draw from the world of sports and entertainment to paint a vivid picture of how varying years can translate to contrasting experiences and expectations.

Ever wondered if that well-dressed individual at the bar is out of your league or simply playing it down to avoid unwanted advances? Our conversation veers into the complexities of dating for plus-size women, the psychology behind accepting less than you deserve, and the importance of body language in the art of attraction. We share tips on how to better signal your interest across the room with just a look, and muse on how wealth and attire play into the dynamics of attraction. Prepare to have your perspectives challenged and to walk away with a newfound understanding of the dating world's intricate dance.

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On Tha Mic with M and T
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Have you ever found yourself at a family dinner where your uncle arrives with his new girlfriend who's suspiciously close to your age? It's a scenario that raises eyebrows and a multitude of questions, which we tackle head-on in our latest episode. Join us as we dissect the controversial topic of age in relationships, from the double standards faced by older women dating younger men to the stigmas of older men with much younger women. We'll share intimate family stories that reveal the potential for strife when age-gap relationships clash with societal norms, and discuss whether love truly knows no age—or if there's reason to be wary.

Navigating the choppy waters of age-gap relationships isn't without its perils, as I can personally attest from a friend's experience that was more a cautionary tale than a fairytale. This episode isn't just about the drama, though; it's an eye-opening discussion about cultural and generational divides, the relatability factor in partnerships with wide age differences, and the sometimes-harsh realities of dating across life stages. We're pulling no punches as we draw from the world of sports and entertainment to paint a vivid picture of how varying years can translate to contrasting experiences and expectations.

Ever wondered if that well-dressed individual at the bar is out of your league or simply playing it down to avoid unwanted advances? Our conversation veers into the complexities of dating for plus-size women, the psychology behind accepting less than you deserve, and the importance of body language in the art of attraction. We share tips on how to better signal your interest across the room with just a look, and muse on how wealth and attire play into the dynamics of attraction. Prepare to have your perspectives challenged and to walk away with a newfound understanding of the dating world's intricate dance.

Support the Show.

Go to http://www.overcometoobecome.com to see all of the Video Podcasts and the other podcasts under the "Overcome 2 Become" YouTube Channel

Follow M at @overcometoobecome and T at @tress_city on Instagram

Email us at overcometoobecome@gmail.com for thoughts, comments and show suggestions. Come join the discussion


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to on the mic with the M.


Very simple. We're going to start this off this way Men and women, we're not equal, we'll never be equal. So you can't do, we can't, y'all can't do, women can't do what we do, because you do do it, you're going to look real nasty out here in the pub of guy. So if you're, let's say, 40 years old and you decide to have a baby by 22 year old, when your son is 21 years old, why you, why you, why you.


Okay, that's, that's how we're going to jump.


Oh yeah, we're going to jump.


Yeah, just jump right in. Yeah, I'm just jumping right in. Okay, no, just jump right on in there.


Yes, yes, because a 40 year old woman who has a baby by a 21 year old boy and have a 20 year old son, that's not a good look in society's eye. A guy could be 40 years old and have a baby by a 21 year old, have a 20 year old.


They say oh good for you.

Mac Da Don:

Different, different, different vibe, and he's not going to give a fuck about what the dog got to say about it either. He's not going to care, he's not.


Let's just let's, let's just clarify that Not at all.


He was the careless. Oh no, that's. And I've seen that before. I saw a guy who was dating. I think it was on one of those talk shows, or the guy. The father was 41, the young lady was 22. His daughter was 21. And he told his daughter. You know, the daughter gave him ultimatum Either you get rid of her or you can never talk to me again.


Yeah, we're not talking, no more.


He said baby, we're not having that kind of conversation because I am going to be with her and I'm going to talk to you. You're not giving me that kind of automated.


They would. They would leave, though A lot of them be like. It's your choice, because I'm not choosing to leave. You're the one presenting that ultimatum.


And that's what he told. And he said I know you can get that from your mama, because he left the mama and the mama was like you know, he never did this, never did that. He said okay, that's between us. You pulled my daughter into it. Now, mind, you hadn't seen the daughter in a few years. So she was like so you have more love for this chick than me and like, first of all, he loves her a totally different way than he loves his daughter. So, but you never thought twice about it.


You're like, okay, in 1940s she's 20, she's grown and reverse. I like the thought I had a 20, 21 year old son and he brought in a 40 to your woman talking about the guy, and I'm like, good God, my God, then you go school with me. Wow, I like you in school. Since I can't get daddy, I'm going to get the sun. Somebody asking with I'm not going to whip his ass, I'm going to cuss his ass up. Now Mama may whip her ass because she goes to bitch. We went to school together. You going to talk to my son. There's a problem, so it can't be equal.

Mac Da Don:

But I will say that that same today would occur if you were a 40 year old man with a 12 year old daughter who had a father was watching that shit Because I'd be dead if my 21 year old daughter came to my house talking about, so my 40 year old boyfriend. How many niggas going to be okay with a 21 year old daughter coming into their house, right?


into the house. I'm not saying she lived alone. Right, that's fair.

Mac Da Don:

Coming into my house and talking to my daughter. You old ass nigga.


So okay, let's be real here. Normally the girl might lie about this.

Mac Da Don:

She was right. She's not going to tell you because she knows that's what's going to happen.


That's just being real. Yeah, you know somebody's going to have to slide in the party and be like I don't even know that man's really 41.


And you know somebody's going to have to lean in and tell the lie Right, oh my God. Truth about the lie, because yes, oh my God.


He's going to doubt that age back in the year. He's going to look good too, so he could pass, or whatever age you put out there. Oh God, he was probably 41 and he was like dang, he's only 28. You might as well rather be 32. Yeah, I'm not going to be 32. I'm not going to be 32. I'm not going to be 32.

Mac Da Don:

I'm not going to be 32. I'm not going to be 32. I'm not going to be 32. I'm not going to be 32.


He's going to be 32. Oh my God, You're going to be like okay, kind of all right, whatever, yeah.

Mac Da Don:

And then she, by which y'all could each other? The next thing, you know, she kind of signed in one day like, yeah, you know he's really 40. Oh.


God and because he loves his daughter right.

Mac Da Don:

And I'm known to nigga long enough.


Yeah, I've been together for a minute. You might as well, rather get away with it. Yeah, you can get away, but I don't know if it's just outlandish. You just instantly walk in the front door and hit my 40 year old.

Mac Da Don:

Yeah, anything, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know if. I'm just going to be in the front door. Here's my 40 year old. Yeah, anything. No Like if I bring a girl who's 30, 40 years old home she's going to at least look at she 35. Yes, 34. Yes, and I'm alive too, she is, she is, she's 34. I'm bad at ages. Anyway, she's 30 something, I think, and then you're asking.


You got messed up with your own little mental space. Yeah, I'm bad with ages anyway. I'm bad with ages anyway. Yeah, you do.

Mac Da Don:

You got to start lying to yourself. Yeah, you do. I don't see no close feet, fuck you. You told mom.


Wow, oh, great hair. And again, that's the double standard. Because if my daughter coming with a dude 40, he look, he, he survived. I mean kill him. I mean go outside and beat his ass. What the fuck are you here with my daughter for?


I mean, but also I don't want to say the dads aren't present, but sometimes it's not like a strong male present, right, that is true. You want an older male or something. Some women just like older men. Let's just be real there.

Mac Da Don:

They just you know, but they do.


But, not some women do.


Like they don't want to entertain younger, like no. Wow At no point in their journey. Do they want like a male their age? Wow, they don't want it. They like older men. Yeah, okay, that's the thing. Okay, that's the thing, wow.

Mac Da Don:

I told you the story when I was in high school. This girl, she was 16 and she had a 24 year old boyfriend, and I thought it did. I even said it to her. I said doesn't it feel kind of curious to you that he's 24 years old and he thinks that, like damn? You know what I really want? I'm going to be a 16 year old girl.


Oh, my God.

Mac Da Don:

See just a little. Of course you don't know type shit. Like you know, I'm special, whatever, whatever bullshit that young girls believe that you can play it off with Right. I saw her. I want to say maybe three years after he graduated, no, two years after we graduated, and because when we graduated they were still together. Two years later. I talked to her and I said how's your relationship going? She said, yeah, we broke up because I realized that, like I need to like grow as a person and like I've been with him for so long that it was just time to make a change. And in my mind I thought, oh, because you're as I fucked up. He was that you were 16 and he was 24, trying to acknowledge.

Mac Da Don:

Yes, because now he's 28.


Oh God damn 29.

Mac Da Don:

Oh Lord, and you're now 20 and recognizing that seems kind of fucked up.


And weird, weird, weird, weird.


Yes, like, because you're 16 years old.


No, you didn't have nobody else to raise to talk to.

Mac Da Don:

You didn't want to, because for some reason, a lot of women, as you have seen, fall for the oh well, he's got, he's got, he's got, he's got. And the other guys might age. God yeah, because bitch is 16. None of the niggas got nothing anyway.


That's true.

Mac Da Don:

We just had a lot to work a year ago.


Yeah, fuck you home. That is true, and you have to also think about this what would a 24 year old guy want a 16 year old girl?

Mac Da Don:

Well, parents are school with the shit. That's the nigga. He is in your house eating dinners and shit. I'm just saying I'm not talking about the fucking election, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying You're not having a shock, that you're shocked, I'm shocked because let me tell you why I was so shocked Growing up knowing how they were back then.


If you bought it up, somebody didn't know or somebody like did they go to school with you? And you're like oh, no, no, they didn't go to school, then you never grade and you make somebody like, oh, she go to college, college or freshman or no, no, she a senior.

Mac Da Don:

First thing was to graduate to college. Oh my God.


The niggas passed college Niggas had a job. That's even worse. Niggas had a career.

Mac Da Don:

God damn, and don't forgive me, listen, people, I don't mean to call her this, but I'm just saying it.


This bitch just she just got out of Pamela's ass week. She's so weird.

Mac Da Don:

I'm just saying Like what the fuck there's no correlation between you and niggas. Oh my God.


Oh, my God what was the show that he turned on for his little sister.

Mac Da Don:

His little sister was two years younger than you. Oh my God. So I'm sitting here. You and my sister could be best friends, you and my baby sister, who's on my hip like this.


No, no, love comes in all different.

Mac Da Don:

Not a nigga. Fuck all that.


Really, really, come on Love, really Come on now. And you do have puppy love, we do. We all start off. You should be dating your teacher.


Yeah, that's not for most of us.


No, it's really not for most of us, because you want somebody who's relatable, and the older you get, the more time you spend with someone, right? You want to stay relatable, right? So if I kick it with you for the summer, we're going to be able to find something to relate to, right? Maybe the best songs came out that summer. Maybe went to the wine festival summer gym. They was playing all types of music. Absolutely who's relatable for the summer. Now, as the fall comes and the spring comes, it's like oh, you want to see that move. No, I don't like that shit. I don't like that. Like. You're going to start seeing how different, yeah, that y'all are and you're not the things that as relatable as you thought you were in the beginning. You're going to start to see that you know the cartoons that I grew up on. He ain't grown up on them cartoons. No, you didn't grow. Don't make me start throwing out my cartoon names. You're going to be like what?


And when? That's your problem if you start saying you see standing rippie.


It doesn't even like yeah it's not even funny to you, it's not even interesting.

Mac Da Don:

You don't even know what you're talking about. The gap of of, like just entertainment, wise, right? Let's talk about eight years, right, cause that's 24 to 24, 16, that's, that's eight years, right? Eight years ago we put us what At 20,? What's the math? 16. So that's Bon Bon and them and the calves going crazy in the East in Gold State, beating the shit out of everybody in the West. Right, we talking about MVP Steph Curry. We talking about LeBron James, who ran the East for 11 months, 11, 12, 15 years, type shit. Yep, that's a completely different world. So now LeBron James hobbling up and down the goddamn court on year 21, trying to build these sad ass records to the playoffs. Steph Curry? Steph Curry just sitting there waiting, counting the days that he gets his last fucking check from going to state so you can go get his statue outside of Oracle.

Mac Da Don:

Yep, that's true, that's eight years. Eight years being was still alive, bro. Yeah, that's true. He was playing his last game. He was all sitting there, tears in the eyes, watching him drop 60. Yep, that's true, man. I even hear no more. So, like, eight years is such a huge chunk of time that you can experience so much shit, or?


miss or miss Right, because you can always kind of catch the highlights over the years. You know if you're a true sports fan, right, you're a true fan or whatever, right, you kind of know it, but if you wasn't there for it. So when I go to recall certain things and bring on that energy, you do a little dry and it's just like, oh, I forgot, you wasn't there for that. Yes, and that's what happens.


And it's like but how many times can we? Because it's always going to be some things that we don't relate to. We're man and woman right, absolutely. But it's, how many things are we just not that relatable to.


Yes, and that becomes a big problem, because again early on like 24 to 16 is much different than 22 to 24, because as you go up it's not as bad.




But when you start off at 18 and eight years, that's that moment. With the fact he went to college, he got probably a master's degree and policy work on this goddamn fucking doctor's degree at that point and you know that's a lot of shit, that's a lot of kids.


Yeah, yeah, three baby moments. You know one marriage about, if you're about, and a divorce, exactly.


No, it's just like you gotta be, you know. And again, that's that goes back to why you have to train boys and girls differently. And that's why you can't be equal. So when you hear about talking, oh, men and women, they're never equal.


My mother always taught me that the older man not to be like he wasn't wanted by his group.

Mac Da Don:

That's. That's a common, that's a common myth.


It's not a myth, but it's just like be careful because the chances of that right, like as shiny as he is to you, he was just a little bit dull to his group. You get what.


I'm saying that's true.


Coming off super shiny to your teenage eyes he's not that shiny to his group. And that's just about a lot of you good picking, choose and do what you want to, because you got Free will right you a teenager? You gonna sneak out the house, you gonna do it, you know, after school on the weekends. You got freedom, right.


You know, teenagers.


They pretend like they stand out. My got sports practice and then I got a game over. Here lies You're doing whatever the hell you want to do. Oh, I'm going to work after you're not. What I'm saying is they have freedom, so you have to make your own damn choices, but just be well advised when doing so.


You know, women, I'm gonna say this. I may be wrong, but you know, didn't factuate with. See a guy with some money, because again, you 16 years old.


They never got their money.

Mac Da Don:

Because, if you think about it, what woman doesn't want a guy who has his own? And but if you're 16, doesn't know? No, yes, what can I get?


what I get because I'm trying to make this life softer. See, at 16, mentally in your mind, I've had 16 year old girls Living beautiful big homes. Okay, two parent households, right, yeah, and you can't give everything to your teenagers, right? So in a mind they think they in a struggle Because you gotta wash the dishes or unload and reload the dish washer. Right, because you didn't get all the new shoes that came out. How you gonna get all the new shoes the mother-boy should use constant of a new car because you're gonna destroy it anyway. So in their minds, very early it starts very early, not trying to do too much, not trying to work too hard.

Mac Da Don:

But here's. The thing is that there are guys now fuck on, that there's niggas who do the same shit. They're young niggas, 16, 70, 18. So 24 year old chick told myself I like you, I'm trying to howl at you, say less. Yes, so I'm right she bought me all these little clothes.


She got me this Nike Tech jump fit type shit, she's a new J. She know your purse wasn't gonna buy you that whole Nike Tech suit.

Mac Da Don:

She wanted to buy that Because what she wanted to do to make sure her niggas shine it. So now you got the little cummer. Now you're going to class every day with the Nike Tech. I'm done you better everybody else in that motherfucker, it's true.


You can't wait for the pickup for school.


I've been in the car talking about something in this car I've been in her car. Yes, sir, because y'all be easy now.


Lay back, look at them Like you were shooting in my seat.


That's another thing that looks bad. It's not the same. It don't look the same on y'all as it does on us. No a woman's taking care of you. No the man's taking care of us.


We're not equal, there no People won't talk about it. Real bad. That's why I hear this team people talk about I moved him. I met him last week.


And we had a good conversation, and then I moved him back. No, no, no.


I think he said he was tired of being home. I didn't move him with me.


So you didn't meet his mother.


No. You just bought him on there.


Normally you meet people's moms you would think so A brother, a sister, somebody, an affiliate, somebody.

Mac Da Don:

But if you date somebody that young let me rephrase the sentence You're dating somebody younger than you. Alright, let's say that young, Younger than you, period. You always know that you never want to meet their family. I will say that for every person. All of them niggas do not want to meet the younger people's family.

Mac Da Don:

I'm not trying to see your uncle, your cousin, your nephew, your brother, your sister, your father, your mother, none of the niggas, I don't even talk about none of them. I'm trying to stack you up out that shit and take you in a certain place here. Right, because the moment I come around your people guess, when they go sit there and take you, they're negative to old, except Marwin him. Why the fuck are you asking me, you young, he just trying to play you. He's probably with your mind I might be doing all of those things. I don't need enough fucking telling you Take your ass out, Come on, baby. They just trying to fuck up our relationship.


I don't need nobody telling you what I'm about to do with you.


I need you fucking to find out.

Mac Da Don:

There you go. That's crazy. It's a brand new way of looking at it, but it's fast, it's fast.


It's fast.

Mac Da Don:

You set yourself up for being taken advantage of strictly because of experience.



Mac Da Don:

If I watch a guy who's boxed for a year and I put him in the ring, well, a guy like Tyson Fury he's going to get knocked the fuck out. I don't give a shit how strong that guy is, I don't give a shit how much belief he has in himself. I'll give you if he had the best training ever he's only trained for a year. This shit that he's going to do, that's going to get him knocked out, naturally, because he's not ready for a guy who knows okay, yeah, he's going to punch hard, but he's going to get tired because he's going to put all this effort into knocking me out off, not realizing that we got to do this shit for 12 rounds, and then it's going to get real tired, that lack of acid going to build up in his shoulders real quick. He's not going to recognize how bad adrenaline dumps. When you're in a scenario like this, where the lights are bright and you're fighting somebody and you got all these people root before you and people gassing you up and you don't realize that once you come in to start fighting you get hit, that adrenaline kind of wears off. You're like God damn, I'm fucked. But now you got to figure it out.

Mac Da Don:

That happens with anything at all Not to the person who's been doing it the longest is going to work circles around the person who's been there the least. Absolutely they will In anything. So why is it that when it comes to dating, it's all sudden not, I'm fucking. Who gives a shit that I'm 10, 15 years younger than him? We're on the same plane. No, the fuck you are.


You can't be.

Mac Da Don:

I don't know what you don't know.


I don't know what you don't know?


You know people make this mistake. Oh, they messed that up, that couldn't be me. Oh, they messed up. Or that person messed up, but that's not me. Don't you understand the same shit that you said? They said the same time when you're your age are the blinders, but they do. I hear one session all the time. Oh, that she's just stupid, and I said you shouldn't.


You should never say it about the experience, though, and the person with the experience recalls when they were exactly in that space, to where they felt like, nah, this not going to happen to me, oh no, he's more genuine, you know, than the person my aunt, Matt, or the person my mother met, you know, and she tried to advise me here. It's just the blinders. I feel like we were dealt, you know. You don't have the experience and that's the idea of living and learning Right.


But, you don't have to learn everything through you know going through it.


You don't have to go to school hard knocks.

Mac Da Don:

You don't have to. You choose to go to the school hard knocks, but you shouldn't.


For instance, when my sister was dating, a guy couldn't just pull up in his car and blow out the door and get the car. Oh hell, no, you better bring your goofy ass in here so we can see you. So in case we got to beat your ass, we know how you look and what kind of car you drove and all that stuff. But seeing these young girls go and jump in the car oh yeah, that's her friend Boo. Do you know his real name? You know his government name? Oh yeah, they ain't. What the fuck Fuck that. Oh, big black dude named Boo Really? Yeah, he about six one. Okay, that's about half the dudes in PG County that you just described. So I don't know who the fuck that is.


Neither do the police, and shit hit the fan.


So hello, so that's that whole thing you got to be. You have to listen to the older people when they tell you certain things you need to do. We're not telling you to get in your business. We don't give a fuck what your business doing. You don't have no business. We're trying to save your ass because, unlike 30 years ago, your ass could be with somebody and disappear and you'll never find your ass. How many people did not find it Shit 30 years?

Mac Da Don:

ago, you disappeared too. Now is that there's a lot of different ways to get caught. You can get you used to get caught by somebody who would be in your neighborhood.

Mac Da Don:

It was somebody who was either working in the neighborhood, somebody who had had business dealings in the neighborhood, some, for some reason, it was somebody who you were close enough to the God to know you to loop you in. Now they can be a nigga from Bulgaria. He's talking about something he's going to hear for a different man and he's going to fly over here. Then he fly over and he show you all this money. Now he legit bullshit. He just knew how to play an act long enough to get you to convince you to do insert thing here. Now you're on a plane of more games and you never come home?


Never, and that's the other thing people realized. Technology has changed this entire dating game.


It's the access to people. Oh my God, yeah, it's through the roof Because again it's flipping scene.


How you look, you can flip. There's people we see all the time People get sucking in One poor old woman. I never get on a doctor's field. That shit was. It was sad, yeah, hilarious. She was 80 years old. I got a boyfriend in Nigeria. Now, when she said that, of course I was like I was just saying she was a white woman or a black woman.




And the kid said she gave this guy a million dollars of her money because he's going to marry when he gets here Right next to him. They're stuck straight.


They're not. They always, they always working on getting a stuff straight.


Yes, so she kept sending money. He said she just sent him $15,000 because he had the closest deal. He said he had eight but he needed 23. Because she helped him with another 15 to get it finished. Oh sure, why the money to?


him. Yeah, she needed, she had it.


And Phil said do you have a picture? This is the picture, okay. He pulled up his big white board and said that picture has been used 10,000 times. She said so that's not him.

Mac Da Don:

He said no, that's not him.


He's just that picture to get other people like you. She said I can't get that guy a million dollars.


I saw a special level on this. They went and found some of the guys who was doing this and that interview. Did you see it too? Yeah, it was great Wow.


It was great.


My personal opinion, the men were sitting there like looking at the person interviewing them, because the interviewer came in. You know like you guys are dead wrong. You know like, yeah, I want to try to answer some questions and they were puzzled.

Mac Da Don:

Because what do we do? What did we do wrong?


What did we do wrong here?

Mac Da Don:

Because, realistically, nothing of what these people are doing is like illegal. What they said is a glisten Hi, I need, I need help. Yeah, will you help me. You say to me yes, sir, I got you and you wire me money. How's that my fault?


No, and they're sitting on the they're, they're, it's a fucking they're. They're in the tech shop the night like they're on rotation, wow. But what I'm saying is that they're feeding a bit of what the woman needs.


They really are, yes, and you know they've asked to be compensated on some level and then they have they say straight out, whether they say what they need it for is, you know, finance my life, or fixing, you know, a piece of my house, or getting my business together, whatever it is. You know you've already, wow, profess your love. I love you too. They probably do love these women to a certain capacity. I love that you keep my life. So you know the way that. That's love, yeah, that's. You're not going to challenge these men's love. That is, that is virtue.

Mac Da Don:

But even more than that, it's the love in which that person needed, for whatever reason, because obviously the mother, that woman being 80 years old, her family obviously isn't close to her. For whatever reason yeah, like she hadn't money because she had enough to give, give it away. But obviously, whoever she was as a person I don't mean to be rude, but like this is my opinion Whoever you were as a person, when you were young, it was obviously so shitty that your kids don't give a fuck about you. And I'm going to tell you why your kids don't give a fuck about you because they would have never let you get the first payment off. I don't give a fuck what y'all got to say Talking about something, oh well, you don't know what grandma, grandma be doing, type shit.

Mac Da Don:

No, yes, you do, because you set up the infrastructure necessary to keep an 80 year old grandma, grandma listen. Yeah, people are hearing shit. So here, let me. If you ever get an email that asks you for money, just let me know. They'll let you know. Yeah, they will tell you if you actually gave a fuck. Yeah, right, if you actually want to protect your grandma, your mama, from some weird shit like that, I just feel like I would know if my grandmother was dating somebody.


You would think she had to tell you.


Conversation about it. I mean, I always asked my grandmother who she was involved with, and she would always say no, not no one. You know then? I would ask about the people who I thought was you know checking for her. I when you have that conversation with your single grandmother like grandma, so to me that would definitely come up in Conversation she also, she happy out of fucking nowhere. You trying to figure out how to work a phone.


About you show me how to take a picture. Baby, take my picture real quick for me. They like to talk. They ain't got no job. These things would come up. So I'm what you on there, some people in life, that ain't shit. Yeah maybe those people trying to get you for your money too.


So maybe you do keep your stuff close to you, right like not any telling them all cuz they be trying to work me to Whatever the reason. Those brothers also did say I don't know if you called this part, but they was like technically, this is reparations. So they felt I was like do you want us to stop? You want us to stop? She was like yeah, I think you guys should stop. They was like no no, they was like okay, I guess the thing you feel the real life.

Mac Da Don:

That said, we stop right, mm-hmm, let's say, let's say this my coalition, we stop. What about the other 300 niggas? Down the street 15,000 people down the block. Like, just because we start don't mean other people not go, fill in the spots that we leave open.


Yep, I'm gonna get over feels ladies. Sounds like she was American right, yeah but these guys was talking to women from the UK.



Mac Da Don:

Yes, it's universal. It's a universal scam. Everybody get together, we get on the phones, we get the text and it shit. Because to me, I I mean what's the difference between right a Nigerian prince who lie until you tell my son my love you right and a long distance relationship that same difference.


I'm with you.

Mac Da Don:

I mean, you want to believe what you want to believe because there's no telling that the person on the other side of that, that Screen, is telling you the truth.


Yeah, and, and you want to believe these things. You want to.

Mac Da Don:

I want to believe that the phone that I received from this person is real, because I love the prince. I. I've been wanting to pray and then we showed up and said I look beautiful.


My 80 year old looking ass. Oh my god. Yes, I got the young gene. Yes, and you're gonna be infatuated because again you're dealing with something called loneliness. Yeah that's the other part. People don't realize. Yeah all this stuff you, you play around early in life. Yeah, and you can. I got all the time in the world. They know you hear about 60. There's 60, you like, with the relay, oh shit.


Nobody really gonna be invested in each other by time you turn 60, because everybody's so guarded right.


I'm so protected and I've already figured out life, so I don't really need you for that. Already know who to call on. My car breaks down. Already know what to do. You know you can't. It's the older we get, it's harder to rescue each other. Right, and I don't want to be like you should be rescuing each other to build the bonds. But it's those important moments that you show up. That's why recent teeth to God. God with the yeah with the tire when flat it, be the rescue right like oh.


But if I don't need you to swoop in for nothing, cuz now all my cars are like official, my bank account is fat, I don't need a rescue. I'm 60 years old.


They came on said, oh, the 50, that's all I see we talk about that.

Mac Da Don:

No, oh Shit, I won't get my shit off on that real quick.


Yeah, just you say this Produces out. But it's a true statement, because you look at people who say I want to be happy, one be married, one have this. What you basically say. You open your door, unfortunately, to anybody that sees that and can pick that weakness and use it against you, because we used to. She kept saying I want to be married, I want to have kids, I wanted to have a house one because I feel like I should have it now, at 30, some years of age.


Yeah so you said you're up for failure. Why? Because you went out to open arms, open chest, open heart, everything. And this guy sees it. Because there guys out there and women out there that sees that. They look at that and they use that against you. They use you against yourself, yeah, and then also he is back. He can't be that bad, he's not playing me like that. Oh no, I know, please, you know I love you, I love you girl, I love you like a fat killer cake. Everything you want to hear, yes, everything you want to hear. So everything, the little red flag you don't pay attention to because now he loves me too much.

Mac Da Don:

But then yeah, like you, you yeah, whatever, fuck all that. You can, you can be open. I think that's the disjunct was part. You can be open, you can. You can have that aspiration of understanding that like, hey, my, my windows kind of shutting and like I want to Maximize whatever time I have left before that that window shuts. I understand that I don't blame the woman for falling in love with the man. Matter of fact, I've also said that like she got lucky in the grand scheme because she only dealt with that for a year. This is a year of her life, in and out. Right, there are people who don't deal with that for ten years, 20 years, five years. You mean the don't on.


They deal with what the deceit? That love with the seat that love the seat for ten years easily.

Mac Da Don:

Life. Right, that's your life now, but it's it's full of lies and shit that you just have accepted for whatever, because you want the thing exactly. So I'm like, at least it was a year like. You got lucky in the grand scheme, that's right. You're lucky that things didn't pan out. You're lucky that you didn't merge the bank accounts. You're lucky that you didn't actually keep pardon my language but like, didn't keep to get the completion, like, but it's true, you're lucky that these things happen, because all these things could have happened and you'd be, in a way, shittier scenario.

Mac Da Don:

And now you're late to the stinger forever because you got a kid with them. So now you can't see here say wash my hands, I'm gonna go put them six feet under and be done with them, because now you look at that little nigga every day. Yeah, every time you see your son, it's your daughter. Whatever the child came out of, that was gonna be. Oh, this person. She got upset because Charlemagne said was she a big girl? Yeah, he asked that question after hearing the story, mm-hmm. And what he said was I don't want to, I don't want to make it seem a lot lighter than what he said, but like, and that's as he said it makes sense, it makes sense, how this all happens.


No, I thought he said what was the quote that he? Yeah, I don't know the exact code. That's why they want to. I don't, I'm gonna mess it up.

Mac Da Don:

Yeah, I don't want to get lighter because he did say something fucked up, but the crux of what he was saying is it makes sense and that's because she was a big girl.


Yeah, because she was a big girl because little girls don't get the slump joints don't get played.

Mac Da Don:

That's what the caring thought was. I don't even think it's that. I think it's the. It goes back to the level of insecurity that comes with being big. Think a bigger person comes with a certain level of insecurity, naturally naturally.


Definitely women, definitely women.


Right, I do know strong, very confident exactly, and they are being engaged in that conversation that might come out, but from what I can see, I don't know that I've ever seen insecurities from From some of the big women that I know their confidence has always been, you know.

Mac Da Don:

I think sometimes that confidence, the outward confidence Is hidden, hiding that insecurity, ends up coming out and I think the confidence to Accept who you are and the strength to be able to say that, like I know, people are already going to try to come from me and I'm always ready for that.


And I and I and I, and, like I said, I don't want to say that You're saying that, as a per slender woman doesn't have that.

Mac Da Don:

I said one doesn't have that same type of insecurity. So what I think he was trying to say, he, what is, I think, um, is that when you are bigger, right, and you have that natural insecurity, you you accept things that maybe your smaller counterparts wouldn't have to. You, you you deal with niggas who just a little bit different. You might find a guy. Because she said I just want to find somebody who loved me for me, right, I want to find somebody who loves Uh, who just who loved me. So the moment you saw india that resemble love, you just took it. You were like, fine, fuck it, fine, I'm gonna take it.

Mac Da Don:

But there's a lot of people chasing smaller people. Period, smaller thinner guys, a muscular guys, thinner women, slightly muscular women, like those, those four different archetypes Get people chasing them constantly. Okay, so you get A whole bunch of shit that you have to now wade through to figure out what's really for me, what, what I what are not what. But if no one ever approaches you, then that that waiting is very easy. Waiting turns into fucking.

Mac Da Don:

I'm looking at lily pads in the water. I can see one, two, three, four. I see four instances in which I have a chance to to make my raft. I've tried three of them in the low patch sunk. That's the last one that I've received. Let me just see what this one does. It's a different conversation. You're dealing with your input. The men and women that you deal with being smaller are vastly different in numbers, vastly different than when you're bigger. You just deal with more shit. People who have been skinny, who have gotten fat, complain all the time. I've seen several foot videos in posts and shit about how people in their life treat them worse. They're like oh, I was a small girl and then I gained weight because of the pandemic, so now I'm at my job and the same customers that would tip me $23. Like who the fuck is this shit?



Mac Da Don:

Who are you Like? Well, I like we'll talk about damn. That girl seemed kind of fat. She's like I would hear the insults that these same customers when I was smaller would praise me. I'm doing the same shit I did when I was smaller, as a bigger girl, and now it's why are you taking so long? Where's my shit? Like I'm getting hostile responses for doing the same thing and it's like yeah, even people who have been big, who got small, say like oh, people are kinder to me, people hold the door for me. Now People actually like pay attention to me when I walk in the door and say hello. People naturally dislike bigger people for whatever reason, whether they think they're lazy, whether they think that they think I'm too much space, whether they think they smell bad.


Whatever the case, may be. They're not gonna take care of themselves. I'm serious, it's true, my roommate, no, no, no, I got you though, wow, I got you, though.

Mac Da Don:

My roommate, right, my roommate in college, that's my nigga, ace, ace, boom, boom type shit. But when I first met him, he said, dog, I am not gonna lie to you, I thought you would smell bad. I said, why would you think that? He said because I have a friend. That's your size, the injustice, and that nigga Don't, don't do nothing. He saw coming in your room you got deodorants, you got cologne, you shower every day.


Regular hygienic? I have hygienic, yes.

Mac Da Don:

I see you like I'm like damn, like yeah, you're a big dude, but like he take care of himself. Yes, because I understand that. I also know people who don't take care of themselves, yeah, and who also smell like shit. I get that, okay, but it's because of, I think, that that insecurity If I don't take care of myself and I'm also big, that I don't have to worry about people bothering me.

Mac Da Don:

I can kind of stay or clues and stay over here in my own business and nobody really fucks with me. Because you're tired of being around people who treat you like shit. So you find ways to protect yourself and it comes with either being very hostile or not, maybe not being as hygienic, or maybe not even wearing colorful clothing because you don't want to be seen. And then you'll see the ones who were like, oh, I don't give a fuck. And that's where you have like a, like a Lizzo, she wears bright, colorful clothing and like she yeah, she has her moments. But like people will sit there and say when they think of like body positivity for a woman, that's kind of one of those people they kind of bring up. They're not sitting there talking about a.

Mac Da Don:

A delwit got the weight loss. She said fuck on that Most. She blew up. She said I'm going to go get my body right. She wasn't sitting here saying yeah, I'm a big girl and whatever she didn't. She didn't like the attention I came with it. So she went and got small and I about a damn a del look good. Yeah, because y'all would niggas bullet her to look good, because it comes with that when you're sitting in the spotlight and a lot of people can't handle that.

Mac Da Don:

And you know, for women it's way worse, and it starts off early.


Early, because it's almost like they start in high, in elementary school, literally, cause you look at, you play with them and it's weird because growing up I used to see bigger girls when they went elementary school and you should treat them differently. You still food at them and that type of stuff. Why are you treating so bad? She's big, she fat. I'm like she can't help herself because I was that kid I was going to stand up for somebody.


But what happens is if somebody at home don't say fuck them, you beautiful inside, no, no, no they. Then they start to look around at their friends who won't be their friends because their friends won't be the popular girls It'd be the other misfits per se. So now that carries on, nobody ever changed that. They just have this built in self. Self hate is because the wild life is a bigger. And then all of a sudden, you eat more, cause that's your coping mechanism. You just eat more, so they just get bigger. So now it's a self fulfilling prophecy that you're getting bigger. You're not attractive.


Now you go to middle school, now you go to high school, still getting bigger and bigger, but now you're bigger, one bigger girl. So now you, nobody invited you to shit, nobody invited you to a party. If they do invite you is because I got everybody, even the fat kids, even the fat kids, god damn it. I don't want to be going up in a party, other than that, you would never get any kind of invitation to any party. So then now yourself, steven, shot the shit you may not even go to prom.


Nobody may not even ask you to prom. Take me to the prom or something. You may have to get a cousin or somebody to go with you to the prom, Cause if I want to be with you they won't be able to.

Mac Da Don:

I even say I'll even go one step. I got opposite of you and say and then, even if there is somebody who genuinely likes who you are, you can't see it. Yep, even if somebody does genuinely like you and genuinely want to get to know you and genuinely knows that, yeah, you've always been a big girl, but I don't give a shit because there are niggas who like big girls, that's not a misconception. There are guys who like bigger girls. Yep, I know crack hand sized niggas, it's normally that size it is.


It is, it's little bitty niggas. They love them.

Mac Da Don:

They love them, love them Right. But you, you don't recognize that as love because there's so many people who probably have lied. So now you, you can't tell. You should just keep your guard up for everybody. You even shoot opportunities that could be good for you Absolutely Out through air because you're trying to protect yourself. Yep, because every time you opened up you got shot. So now I'm just not, I'm not going to open up, no more. We closed up shop, locked up the doors, put the bars on the windows, we're done. But now they know.


I ain't here and it's crazy because, producer, the two most weakest women in the world are the prettiest ones and the biggest ones. They're the most insecure people. Hmm, the prettiest ones. You got people coming at you, so they like this motherfucker.

Mac Da Don:

I got a man. It seems like leave me alone.


But you're insecure because you're so beautiful that people normally, oh she got to have somebody. Oh, they don't approach, yeah, she got to be fine, but she, like the people that do approach me, I don't want them. Just get up on my face. You look at me like girl. I haven't seen you in a while, Right.

Mac Da Don:

Because you get a lot of people who do that, right, yeah, so I'm going to sit and think she's got to have somebody she's got to. Got to there's no way somebody that pretty walking around by herself but then no one talks to you. Nope, because that's. The other side of that is that you got to get the people who harass the shit out of you, who you don't want to deal with, or the guys who you're interested in, who don't even make a play. Okay.


So then that brings you back to what the what we're initially talking about, right, where you say off the jump, the heavy set woman is going to be insecure, off the break. You just broke down, both of the women being insecure, though.


And it's weird because it happens different ways, because if you're pretty, everybody's going to try to highlight you.


for the most part, Right, right, but that's what I'm saying. So women that I've spoken to, when we talk about this topic specifically, right as far as it being an insecurity because of her size, a lot of women are like it's not necessarily an insecurity from her size, it's an age insecurity, it's the fact that she's over 30 and she's a good over 30 and she don't and she hasn't secured the situation. Not necessarily like her. Her size Right. It's the fact that you're timing out now.


That's the unfortunate thing about society, yeah.

Mac Da Don:

No, not even society. It's literally just naturally, because if you want to have a kid and you want to avoid a high risk pregnancy, you're tap dancing. She herself is tap dancing on that window where, like, it's either a high risk pregnancy already because of because of whatever factors you already have, naturally.


She had to. And then your age. She had the age and the weight, and then the weight.

Mac Da Don:

Yeah, so, like for her. It's reason why I was saying Charlene mentioned that was because the lies of what she told right first off crazy, absolutely insane, and I'm surprised she. She heard half of them and still kept them, but the desire to secure the last chunk of the thing she feels like she wants out of life kept her believing longer than she ever should have.

Mac Da Don:

I think that's where the breakdown which is the way, the crux of what I think he was trying to convey when he asked what she, a bigger girl, all to a boil down to she you eat all. You eat all this bullshit that, like I've, he felt like more than likely he wouldn't, most other women wouldn't have felt with. But when you're already insecure, you're already trying to to lock down that last little bit of your life. You're kind of like, oh yeah, I mean it's just growing piece of things you have to take on the chip. No, you don't have to take that on the chip. She's going to find somebody who's probably watched that name ticked out. I was thinking I'd have never. I'd have never sacrificed her. She's the queen of my eyes.

Mac Da Don:

But where that? Where's that guy? He could be in her DMs. He could be. He could be next door to her. She could have had a guy in front of her who wanted to be interested, who was interested in her, wanted to see her shot, wanted to grow with her, and she couldn't see him because of whatever. But it's just the fact that you see a lot of bigger girls kind of take shit, they shouldn't have to. There's a lot of bigger girls who will sit there and explain the things they've dealt with in relationships and you can hear it and go no, you should. You know that, like the first time he said, the second time, that guy, the third time when that dude did such, you should have cut big on all those instances and yet you know, been fine. But when you hear the why, I didn't know how many opportunities I had left or how many times how many more people were gonna talk that you know.

Mac Da Don:

I mean like it all is all one big way is all when, big kind of ball of shit. But it's too nuanced to have a conversation on it for Clicks maybe talking to my for just like, oh, I'm gonna just kind of get my jokes off and whatever you say, oh, man, of course you a big girl. She accepted that and in every right chuckles because it's kind of an inferred thing that nobody really wants to talk about. But it's a true sentence. Big people, we, we don't get the same Dating opportunities as other people. So when your dating opportunities are 30 40 different people each week versus 34 people over the course of 35 years, yeah, the pool becomes very small that's that pool constantly shrinks, especially as you get older and for women, because you deal with a finite period of time.


Because, it's okay until you get you 30. When you hit 30 and they look around, it's like I don't have no kid, I ain't got no man. I got a lot of degrees, I got money, but I don't have this. So then they don't. Then I worried. At 30 they like okay, I just gotta open myself a little bit. No, once you get 35 and you part, put on a little weight, little change your body, change a little bit. Now you hear that tick tock in your ear. Oh shit, I'm 35 years of age, I ain't got, no, still. Ain't got no kid, ain't got no man. I know why I can't find a body.

Mac Da Don:

I even do to. To kind of go back on one of your points, I saw a post on ready the other day talking about this woman. She was 41 and she said I am 41 like I can't find a bite, absolutely beautiful woman. She's like I can't find a body like I On these days, things I do, all these things all the while. And what somebody said to her is what the top comment was I Can understand why you don't have anybody. I would have thought you were already taken.


Yeah, yeah, if you find, because You're attractive.

Mac Da Don:

Or the fish because she's already visually attractive. So like if you look at her and you're thinking like damn, there's no way, she's 48, ain't got nobody. Yeah, that's a thing that guys think. Like she's like. I look at this, check. I'm like damn, she's too attractive because no one to have.


So I say, hmm, is like in this day and age we're gonna assume that this type of woman, who's put herself out on Reddit right, is Using dating apps? Let's just be real, right yeah anybody who's willing to type and make a post on reddit is using a dating app. We can't agree to that. Yes so you're putting yourself out there on a single dating app. Everybody there knows she's single. It's something deeper than them thinking that she's taken of course.

Mac Da Don:

But she said I don't get dates. I don't get dates in person and I'm like yeah, it makes sense visually if you look. If I see you in person, I'm not gonna think anything of it. I'm gonna think you take it. If you're on dating apps, like you said, she's like I don't get dated in person at all.

Mac Da Don:

She's like I will see people they would never approach, but I can't tell. I can't tell you you're not approachable if I don't see what what the approach looks like. If every photo you got of you you smiling and you're dressed up being pretty Mm-hmm awesome, but like when people federalizes again, you can be smiling, just a pretty look, look fantastic, all that shit. What do you look like when I pull up to you?


No, no, like what indicators do you get the man? That's what I'm saying when I pull up to you. Okay, what do?

Mac Da Don:

you? What do you look like? Are you smiling at me and like Because, as a man for looking for garden, yeah, at the gym at a fucking KFC UFC and don't fucking matter, you busy looking at somebody. Somebody recording somebody, yeah, like nowadays is like man. If I ain't gotta make the play, I Not gonna take it You're not gonna see here and what play on my downfall because I happen to look in the direction of a bitch doing a squad.


Just make sense. If you want a man to approach you and you see him across the room, you know you could at least give eye contact so he feels comfortable.

Mac Da Don:

No, no, no. Say that. Say that louder for these pretty. No, no, say that louder for these women I'll hear who keep complaining about how men don't approach them.


I gotta give eye contact you and then you. It's not any oh I contact, though it's like you know you know we gotta look away and then you gotta bring it back. You gotta do it at least twice, because the first one could have been oops, you know. Well, maybe she was, you know, looking in my direction. But if you think, yes.

Mac Da Don:

And Level of consent. Absolutely, that's to be given to me to come over, yeah, as a guy, yeah, but that's what women feel to realize, like they complain about men not approaching our days. Oh, why don't men just pull up? Because y'all, because.


You out here with your girls.

Mac Da Don:

You look pretty, you look good. You out with a girls on girls night, yeah.


And here you come.

Mac Da Don:


Mac Da Don:

It's a little consent that that brings. Like you complain about the guys who don't do it, but when you want a guy to do it, giving them just that little bit of eye contact or saying that like, like, even acknowledging the fact that I'm interested in your interest, right, it's a two-way street, the God. I want to pull the trigger, so let me pull up. But if I'm gonna chew, you know, even make eye contact because you won't play games. You like, I see him looking at me, but I don't. I want to look back at the type shit. He doesn't approach you. Like why me, what? Why didn't he approach me? Like he always try to howl it.


No, you didn't get up and go to the bathroom. No, hold on, girl, let me get up and walk to this bangle. Grab a drink. Hot. The grandma runs to the bathroom. Walk with me real quick so we could walk fast and.


I was going a long way.


Now let's run out to the car real quick so we can walk past them. You know what make up some stuff real quick, yes, you gotta go with your girl to stay in your numbers. Don't be dumb. And you got you but yeah, you gotta, you gotta give a little bit of consent, you got to give a little bit of a green light, cuz then if not, you know oh boy harassing you and they get knocked down. I hear a lot a lot.


And the other thing Damn, I don't have to see everything. I don't have to see everything. If you show me, if you, your titties and your ass is all hanging out together, I bless you, god bless you.

Mac Da Don:

God bless the body that you were given in that you've also worked for.


I thought we made money in. You know if you and into making money often, you know you're your body, you know they're. They're just going like for regular. Yeah, I need making everybody getting free looks, you know it's, I don't know what. I don't do that shit. Like I mean, I do like revealing clothing, don't give me. But I'm normally out with my man.

Mac Da Don:

Like, yeah, I mean, if I'm stepping out, you know I got low security, it's my assumption is, like, if you dress up and you look in your like I was exposed but like Showing party yourself, my assumption is that you're asking somebody, mm-hmm, to consider you. Yeah, I gotta soon, I would think I was a soon as a guy. That's what. That's what my thinking is. I think a lot of guys thinking is you come out here, you showing off all your assets? My assumption is you try to find somebody who's who's gonna bite? Yeah, who's go, who's gonna buy it? Right. But the problem is depending on how much of your assets are you showing right it? The guy that buys in might not be the guy that you want. No, you show everything. Now you got the nigga who say, oh, we go, we go into the back of the club.


They teach you right. Yeah, like depending on how much you showing that, that that's gonna get you a certain attention that you just might not want. You know they did a little um Video right and the girl was there presenting herself, I guess, to the guys like some pseudo speed dating thing, and she was just very provocatively did you send. Maybe you even sent it to me and you know his intentions for this young lady.

Mac Da Don:

They're not going to.


They're not going to know it fancy first of all, they're not even going out to eat the car the motel.

Mac Da Don:



Did you think that he was going to go to a hotel? Question and in his mind he's just like I didn't know you wanted anything else. I Mean Nigerians.

Mac Da Don:

The way you dress In certain instances. In certain instances Dictate the person in which you receive. If you go and dress up looking like you try to fuck, you gonna get the nigga. Who, all he, what, all he looks at you as is a fuck to it.


You were nothing more than, and in that's it I mean that's why men who have like real money they dress down. Yes, cuz I'm not trying to be out there. You see in me and Gucci slippers and, you know, louis pants and I got on my little because you're sitting there.

Mac Da Don:

Wouldn't one of them counting you how much money the nigga got, if he got all this shit?


You looking at me like a ton of money because you dress like a ton of money and you pulled up in your most fanciest car that you could find, as opposed to you know having a little humble joining. You know your little worn down polo slides.

Mac Da Don:

You know you guys stay humble because if you don't what you putting out there, you know that's what the person is going Want you for, absolutely looking like a bag of money and you attract in a girl who's attracted to money, then guess what Don't be sure, if you want a girl who was only attracted to you for your money, yeah, you know some thing nice where your money, all your body, everybody who sees you knows you money and then you confine the girl who wants you for your money, yeah, there's nothing wrong with.

Mac Da Don:

Wanting something and in leaning into it, just don't expect something that's vastly different than what you're presenting. She acted like the girl that clip that you mentioned. Acted as though she was dressed up as though she was going to like a church, or dressed up as though she was going to a business meeting. Mm-hmm, when you literally look like you're one One article clothing different from being spreading go on a fucking man Getting big from different directions like you're one piece of clothing different from looking like that.

Mac Da Don:

Yeah and it was a purposeful choice. Yeah, past didn't fucking know. Not the past didn't fit because you thought it looked cute that. No, your pants really didn't fit. Your pants were open specifically because you couldn't button them. Other fuckers. It was too small for you, absolutely yes, I didn't even yes, they was too small for you anyway. Yes, exactly.


Oh yeah, okay. It was just open because you couldn't button them. Yep.

Mac Da Don:

Okay. So it's like what is somebody supposed to understand? As a guy, I'm telling you, looking at you, you look like you're. You know, it just is what it is. But you made a choice when you got dressed and there's gonna be a guy who might see you a thing. No, that's a classy lady, but I promise you that's not classy nigga, because if he looks at you and thinks you're classy, that means y'all probably both hood niggas. Y'all just gonna be Fucking golden corral every night.


You know You're not going to know our backs egg house. You gotta be careful. Who can see underneath the costume is what he basically said Because people who can see all them layers underneath, they got layers themselves and the type of lifestyle that person's able to afford you, you know, it just might not be the lifestyle that you want. So Image is everything. You know what you putting out there, yeah that's true, tea, and everybody lies.


Again, ladies and gentlemen, everybody fucking lies. So if they're thinking that, why me, if this is who they are? No, that's, that's what they want to present. But you really know who they are until, if you decide to move forward, you start telling you different things. Oh shit, he doesn't. He looks a little quite different than what he presents, because everybody, nobody's gonna show you the worst part. Here's the worst to me. Love me for who I am.


I mean that's a problem also, right, because if I'm showing you my worst, I mean I have I gotten over the worst. That's, how else is it coming out? You're probably going through it.


That's a problem because everybody wants to not take that time to say you know what, I got messed up and I need to recoup. I need to do something better. Did everything. Time to heal.


You just walk around, hurt more, more band-aids. You put more band-aids on your body and, like you know, I'll get over it. It's a band-aid. You need surgery, you need staples, you need some other shit. But people need to take that time to really heal themselves. Don't go from one relationship to another relationship, to other ones, and keep asking yourself to question what is wrong with the relationship. It's not the relationship, it's you. Yeah, this one with you.


Yeah, you work on getting yourself straight. So when you get out in this world you know they're looking for someone to save you or the other bullshit. And understand me in a relationship it's not equally, it's teamwork. It can't be equal. Everybody does a little different on team.


What if we all bought the same ingredients to the table? We try to make lemonade. Everybody came through with the lemons.


So again, it's, nothing, yeah.


And we, you know the idea of us being equal and sexual liberation for women, and that's bullshit, like let's just be real, like cuz, that's. What's going on is that women wanted to be equal and move like how men move, right, mm-hmm, and for whatever reason, we got to that point. We're there, okay, mm-hmm, but we got to stop. Yes cuz it's it, don't look the same. Who was the first girl we talked about?


first of all, the marriage for the, the Nigerian wedding oh boy yeah, invited the singer there, old girl on her knees acting a plumb dumb fool, right, this shit just looks bad. It looks bad bad that old boy had been dancing with a lady singer, we would have thought nothing of it. It's like oh okay, that's cute. I don't think he would have been on his knees. That shit would have been dumb either way you slice the pie. But it's not the same though. No, it's not the same at all.


And people keep keep thinking this shit is, you know, we're gonna get better. It doesn't get better, it just gets worse. Because the more we keep thinking that we equal, the more you keep thinking that my shit. Don't stay. His shit stinker. His first shit, you just be in this world of war or angst. Why are we fighting? We supposed to get together. Well, we don't because we don't know our roles.


Yeah, you don't know your roles. Yeah, you don't know your job and I don't know my job. And so now I'm sitting there trying to do your job. Asked you to do my job, and why you ain't, did you know? Oh, we just confused. You don't know your role, the men don't know their roles, the what the men? The women don't know their roles, and so oh you think you can just do whatever you want to do, because we're all equal.


Now and that's why we're suffering now. Yeah everybody think they equal, and it really we're not equal.


No, not like that.


No, you know, I can say people understand. You know you get the relationships first on yourself before you get, Before you even think about bringing smile into your world or even in their world because your world may be bad, their world could be worse. So just Learn, be happy, heal and don't just go out there rushing different relationships and be careful of the opportunists in the world. There's a lot of them, so you got to be very careful about that.


Absolutely and team. She left all perfectly again, little bow on it. Be careful out there, people. And with that Information we're going in this episode of on the mic with your emma and see listen, people Keep subscribing, keep, you know, dropping off those beautiful to comments and you know, hit the little button so you'll know when the next one comes out. And until next time, peace and blessings y'all.

Age and Relationships
Age Gap Relationships and Relatability
Dating and Relationship Blind Spots
Navigating Scams and Loneliness
Navigating Insecurities and Social Perceptions
Dating as a Plus Size Woman
Give Eye Contact for Approaches