On Tha Mic with M and T

Candid Conversations on Transgender Lives: Embracing Acceptance and Support

August 07, 2023 M and T Episode 46
Candid Conversations on Transgender Lives: Embracing Acceptance and Support
On Tha Mic with M and T
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On Tha Mic with M and T
Candid Conversations on Transgender Lives: Embracing Acceptance and Support
Aug 07, 2023 Episode 46
M and T

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Ever wondered how honesty plays a pivotal role in transgender relationships? This episode takes you on a profound journey to explore the complexities faced by transgender individuals in forming bonds, particularly with heterosexual men, in a world where misunderstanding and societal constructs often impede acceptance and love. We take a comprehensive look at the unique challenges faced by trans individuals in navigating the world of love, relationships, and societal norms.

Switching gears, we venture into the gaming world, examining the intertwined issues of identity and harassment that are often prevalent in this industry. We dissect how societal norms around gender roles impact transgender individuals and the importance of understanding and open communication. Our conversation also illuminates the influence of societal constructs on age and gender, and how environmental factors can influence perceptions and interactions involving transgender individuals. 

In our final segment, we place the spotlight on the crucial role of parents in supporting their children, particularly LGBTQ+ youth, through open communication and understanding. We delve into the effects of societal expectations on the mental well-being of transgender individuals and discuss the critical importance of honesty and acceptance. We emphasize that the creation of a safe and supportive environment for children, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, is indeed a collective responsibility. Tune in to unravel these threads of conversation, as we strive to foster greater acceptance, understanding, and empathy in society.

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On Tha Mic with M and T
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Ever wondered how honesty plays a pivotal role in transgender relationships? This episode takes you on a profound journey to explore the complexities faced by transgender individuals in forming bonds, particularly with heterosexual men, in a world where misunderstanding and societal constructs often impede acceptance and love. We take a comprehensive look at the unique challenges faced by trans individuals in navigating the world of love, relationships, and societal norms.

Switching gears, we venture into the gaming world, examining the intertwined issues of identity and harassment that are often prevalent in this industry. We dissect how societal norms around gender roles impact transgender individuals and the importance of understanding and open communication. Our conversation also illuminates the influence of societal constructs on age and gender, and how environmental factors can influence perceptions and interactions involving transgender individuals. 

In our final segment, we place the spotlight on the crucial role of parents in supporting their children, particularly LGBTQ+ youth, through open communication and understanding. We delve into the effects of societal expectations on the mental well-being of transgender individuals and discuss the critical importance of honesty and acceptance. We emphasize that the creation of a safe and supportive environment for children, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, is indeed a collective responsibility. Tune in to unravel these threads of conversation, as we strive to foster greater acceptance, understanding, and empathy in society.

Support the Show.

Go to http://www.overcometoobecome.com to see all of the Video Podcasts and the other podcasts under the "Overcome 2 Become" YouTube Channel

Follow M at @overcometoobecome and T at @tress_city on Instagram

Email us at overcometoobecome@gmail.com for thoughts, comments and show suggestions. Come join the discussion


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to On the Mic with the M


And T.


Today. I'm going down to everybody today, every guy at the end by the end. First of all, I'm going to Controversy Maybe, maybe not, don't care. Transsexual people. Be honest with people before they get in a relationship with them or deal with them, because I've been hearing stories about a lot of transsexual people getting killed recently for multiple reasons. But there's one reason that I think, personally, could be avoided, and let's be honest with this person that you're trying to talk to. If you are transgender woman and you meet a guy who's heterosexual truly heterosexual, not a fetish guy, but a guy who really wants to date you as a woman, please be honest with me, Because they'll see a lot of heartache and pain on both sides, rather than say you know what I'm a woman, that's how I carry myself and all that. That's fine. Then You're who you are. But be honest, because a lot of guys you know they start investing time and effort into you and find that you really not the woman they thought they were.


That can end up in a lot of pain or a possible death. No one likes to be deceived no one. And it's not even like your sexual identity, like anything Like. Let me find out in the beginning that you got another woman. You see what I'm saying. You just have to be honest in the beginning. So now you're telling me that you can even let me know, like what you really have down there. No, dishonesty is like it's hurtful, it's disrespectful and it's disrespectful.

Mack the Don:

I think even on top of that, it just it doesn't make sense, like you can't build a relationship of love and trust and understanding if you never approach a relationship with love, trust and understanding and if you really think that person's for you, then you should feel comfortable enough being able to expose yourself. I understand it's hard, I do. I get that. It's a hard mentality because of how people are trying to understand that and that's just once you pop that bubble like preconceived notions of like how people feel about shit and all that kind of comes to the surface. But by the same token, I would think you would want somebody who would be okay with that. So if you have to hide the fact that you're transgender to be in that relationship, then that's probably not a relationship for you.


Yeah, I would just assume that you would just move within a certain group of people who were okay with you, you know, just stating your fact. If that was a fact, like you would move amongst people who you knew were okay dating within the trans community. That's just what I would assume, come on. Come on, why are you?


going outside of the community and then trying to you know, hey, I got this hard thing to kind of sort of you know, let you know that, even though you haven't really dealt with anyone like this before, probably. You know I'm kind of trying to be like. You know, I'm kind of trying to be the first. I'm really not what you thought that I was. Why are you doing all of that? There's dating apps for every type of person nowadays. I mean, just get in where you fit. What's wrong with?


that I don't know, but they are out there saying you know, people are not looking at us the way as we feel and as we should be. And again, I have no problem with who you are, but if you know, this guy is a heterosexual guy and again I say it's a guy that I like affection. We should call it excuse the expression chicks with dicks, okay, and this people, that's fine. But if I come to you sitting with some little woman and I'm telling you this I want to have a baby, I want to. You know you can't have a baby. So why the fuck do you say you know what? I need to end this farce for, not for you, but for this guy. I'm not who you think I am, and then he'll decide.


Now, if he's got this all right, you know what. He may hear something, because he's like why doesn't he do this? Well, tell me this fact. You got to deal with that. That comes with the territory, right, but don't play games with people. Talk about he doesn't know, because he may have sex. You know he never see when the clothes on, and I'm always doing, you know, anal or so I'm always like it's some point I mean for the honest.


You know that's a lie.


I mean, I guess, guys, they will take like oh, you won't give me all day. I'll go with them at some point. They'll be like look, I got to check the yin and yang out.


What the hell going on Through that. I can't just be honest.

Mack the Don:

It's just the frustrating part about it is that the if we had this conversation coming up here, you can do it. I don't fuck you with your life. What about, gary? No cat. You want to be out here and you want to kidnap people and you want to snatch you off the block. You want to take women, take advantage of women, take advantage of men, take advantage of the government, take advantage of your office, because you can do all of these things. I can't tell you how to live your life. I can't tell you what you're doing is right or wrong, because right or wrong we can sit here and say it's objective, but sometimes it's just a matter of the times. What was considered right 40 years ago is not right now, right. So right wrong. To me it seems to be relative, based on the area that you're in. But I say all that to say you cannot expect other people to take you in the way you expect people to take you in. They're going to take you in the way they want to take you in.

Mack the Don:

And as long as you accept the fact that nobody is going to accept you for who you are outside of you, then you'll be fine. A lot of issues that people try to find acceptance in others Like, oh, I might be transgendered, but like I'm trying to get you out of this, I'm trying to find acceptance in my community because you're trying to actually live a regular life. Unfortunately because of the times you didn't sign up for that, absolutely.

Mack the Don:

You didn't sign up for a regular life. You signed up for a hard life. You signed up for a life where people are going to treat you less there. You signed up for a life where people are going to look at you as unequal. Is it fair? No, but either was it fair for black people for hundreds of years? Absolutely. We were black and we were treated as saying just because we were black, you meant, but the difference was between you and I, because when I first saw that comparison before, transgenderism was very akin to black people being black, but that's just simply not true. I was born black. I didn't have a choice in being black. I didn't wake up one day and somebody gave me a skin picker and I got to choose. That's true, though you know what I mean, I was like pretty fucking hairy.


You were a skin picker, nobody gave me a skin picker.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, no, nobody sat there with a fucking sheet. I know what you're talking about, that's bad what that was great by the way. That was great, it's true, knowing it'd be a skin picker. I got what I got Right, and so you made a choice to make your life difficult.


I don't know you made a choice no, no, no, no, no, no, so who's going to?

Mack the Don:

say it. It's not that being transgender is inherently difficult but because of the war that we're in, it comes with this inherent challenge. That's the natural. Just being transgendy comes with the natural challenges. But when you decided that to live my life, the best way that I know how to feel the most comfortable in the skin that I'm in, I prefer to be a different gender, fine, but that comes with a set of challenges Like if you're a woman, you can't do things.

Mack the Don:

men do you can't go outside 12 o'clock at night on a run Just for the fuck of it. I mean you can try, you can try, you can try anything you want.


You know you're going to fix that for a while, Exactly.

Mack the Don:

The image will leave a difference at the time as a guy I can sit there and say like, oh man, I don't, I can run at night, yeah cool. It's impossible to make friends as a man. Then men are bad at making friends. We make acquaintances, we make drinking buddies, we make sports buddies, but we don't make actual deep bonds with men that carry 10, 15, 20, 30 years, unless it comes with acts of service between each other. We have to have a repertoire of dealing with each other, helping each other out. I mean, that's my nigga, he got my bad when. It's like well, women, y'all a bitch, bar, you bar this lipstick and some shit.


Y'all best friends Like man, shit in your bar, man with her lipstick at one time and like now we cool. We go to concerts together all the time. That's not what normally happens. It's deeper than that. Like he said, acts of service. She had my back one day. I wasn't expecting that.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, because she can't get her lipstick. That she ain't getting, hey, because I was in a bitch.


I was in a bitch doing the date. I was like, what am I going to do? I was married and showing up to a date with your lips I'm crazy, ah, I guess. So Come on, come on.


This woman just the lipstick.


She had your back in that situation.


That is very true and you know, and that's what happened Transgender people because they're trying to fit in wherever they try and fit in, but you just don't have that back, it's just a fact.


Yeah, I think that's the true statement about being mindful of the challenges, because to be honest with someone doesn't mean that they're necessarily going to take you for who you are and you got to be okay with that. Yes, you just have to be it's just like a guy who loves anime. Like at some point you got to tell that woman that you don't do all this stuff that she doing Like you just like to sit in the house and watch the anime or play video games or whatever.


But she trying to take you out, she trying to go out to age, she want to brush with you, she trying to go to the movies, she trying to be out out and you're like no, I'm actually a homebody. Yes, At some point you know you can't extend yourself for so long before you start selling into who you actually are. And that's what I was telling people like when you're in a relationship the first year like. I'm gonna start that one for her. That's not what you're gonna do.

Mack the Don:

That's what you are right now because it's fun and new when you turn your head and it's exciting yeah.


Let's get rid of that adrenaline. Yeah, let it all run out.

Mack the Don:

And now you gotta sit down and actually live every day.


You got your pants on the ground. I thought you ain't get close. No, you done.


You need to toilet seat up again. God damn it. Didn't I tell you to put the toilet seat down? See, he's done. It is like damn I ain't like this problem with you. You didn't show me all this in the beginning, but that's what it is. But one of the things that you don't show all of it in the beginning, right.


You eventually reveal who exactly who you are, or it becomes revealed right Absolutely, and I choose to accept who you are and live with it and deal with it.


Oh, I choose that too Absolutely. There's only two options here.


But the longer you deceive me, the longer you're dishonest with me. I can get mad, I can be totally turned off, I can be like I can't. There's no coming back from that Because the deception was too much. It happened for too long to be able to rebuild trust.


In some of these situations You're like it's just not worth it what you just said trust People, feel people. She said a very good word there. Trust, it does not matter All this. It means nothing is the trust is broken. I heard before trust can be lost in buckets and being back in drops Because you don't come back that quick.


No, no. And so if it's somebody who you know, I'm going to say it was a super superficial situation, but there was no true depth to your situation. You're saying, okay, and it was all lies. Oh Jesus, there's, no, there's nothing to hold on to the like the trust build back up. It's like we might as well let this be gone in the wind.


And. But then in the same breath you're like, wow, why couldn't you just accept me for me?


What if you let me know in the beginning who me was, and I would have considered it, but I didn't even get a chance to consider it. I was deceived into thinking, you know, just like somebody who wakes up with a woman who's got the makeup missing in the morning, you know, I mean, that's this deception. As a woman, I would be devastated if in the morning your man frontal was missing.


You know what I'm saying.


I would be like what it's like. You're not funny, right now. What? It's true? You know you're not. You can't even damn sneak a thing. No, walk the chain, oh my God. So now my molesters is in the seat. You lie in the seat.


That's true. That is damn true. Remember that movie. I'm going to get you sucked in. You're going to go there. I'm going to tell you something. It's my fake hair, it's my fake teeth, it's my fake legs.


And you're going to have to do that. Before they did to do that. She's about to do the. Do it, yeah. But she said before we do this, let me reveal myself. Check out one string of hair. And he chose right. Yeah, he ran out the door so fast.


She was like don't, let me hop after you Now.


Some men might have chose to stay. They're hard to do. She's got no legs, you listen?


She got that leg. You're blocking with that what? I'm going to just tip that little little monkey out of the way here.


That leg. I'm coming in there with a band, a blast with that, yes.


Yes, so it depends on who this guy is but you should not play this game, because you want to be. You want to not keep the real. You want them to know who you are. Right there, divine. You got to be truthful. Tell them who you are and let them accept it. If they accept it, then you just fool and then you carry on. If they accept it, then you got to guide. Who knows who you are and accepts everything goes on.


And when everything's up and the relationship comes up.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, and like you said, like it's not easy when you decide, like when?


you made the choice to say I would be a transgender man, woman, whatever.

Mack the Don:

It's not an easy choice. You don't come up with that just overnight. And so it was a year's a year's a battle. So now you're like, okay, I'm now this new person, cool, you understand that. Like with the society that we're in now, it's just, that's just not a, it's not as accepted as it could be. You know what I mean. Like it's you're not going to have people just go. Oh yeah, you're transgender, your school is whatever. Like no, this is really still feels like way about stuff. And when you want somebody who wants you for who, you are right.


So you want somebody to accept you for who you are. So right now, what?

Mack the Don:

you're saying is I am a one, I am in there whatever the case may be.


But if you found somebody that the only way that they were ever going to talk to you is because they perceive you as being, with their definition In their mind of a man or woman, is.

Mack the Don:

And then when you tell them that, like I was born the opposite. But now I'm here but I'm so man or so woman, I'm so the person that you saw there. I just started something different. I started somebody different. But from the time you know me to now, I've always been this person. It's just that I started differently. There's nothing wrong with that. But if the person automatically now is like no, I don't want you because of that, then you actually die as a bullet. You understand that, like you got lucky, you die as a bullet, that you weren't with somebody who wasn't never going to accept you for who you were, because they weren't.

Mack the Don:

They were always had an issue with it. Or imagine if they thought you are transgender you are a actual born male. Actual born female.


And then they're sitting there talking about somebody else who's transgendered like man look at that fucking demon over there they're just trying to live and take the children and stuff like that.

Mack the Don:

You're gonna feel so bad boy because you're like you, talking about me Absolutely.


But you didn't know you were talking about you.

Mack the Don:

Now you can find out that, like no, I'm just thinking we'll find out and I'm gonna ask out, yeah, and you are.


Yes, you are, you are Because of that mindset and I'm sitting there eating my words.


I said all the bad things about your people and the whole time these people was in my vision and I was like how did it?


make people feel like I got found out yeah.




So now that person feeling found out oh now they're really mad. They're really mad. So I can't feel like this is privacy, because they only said those things and they felt like that party wasn't represented, right. Oh yeah, they only said it that loud because they felt like they weren't there.


You said something that's true. Imagine how many black people pass his wife and sit around white people and let him say things about them and now they know oh, this is really how they feel. And you have to hold that close to you and know that, damn, I'm with them.


I know this is how they feel and you just have to deal with it. And who says that he only speaks in his Caucasian? Like I don't want to say tone Linguistics yeah, on the video game Right on the honor.


On the headset.


Yeah, on the headset he said nah, I don't know exactly how they feel about this.

Mack the Don:

Okay, because when you go in there you're like, hey guys, how's everything going? And you sit down and the game starts up and you're like, oh my gosh guys, this is such bull crap.


I cannot believe that they actually feel us like that.

Mack the Don:

Can you believe? Did you see that? Oh my God, did you see that? See, see, you sound just like that. Do you get to know it every at that point? Oh, we all wait. Niggas this, nigga that.


I ain't never seen a nigga jig a boo Niggas. This nigga who Like?

Mack the Don:

it just. You know, as a black person you know that like if they think I'm black, you immediately get on types of niggas, bitches, women. They get it just as bad.


You not gonna call me you sound like a woman.

Mack the Don:

Oh my God, you sound sexy as a motherfucker. What's your name? Let?


me get your number.

Mack the Don:

Niggas know she's just trying to play a game like we.


Playing the game, bro. Leave her alone, the thirst gets real.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, there are old women, they're not speaking to me how that I have a girl who groups, who gave us a she straight up, without fail. I could turn her words into a man, because she has to, because if you don't like, you just get harassed. I've been in the lobby with her just instantly, hurt her and sound like a woman Like they. You sound sexy as motherfucking. Let me, let me see your titties.


One thing was like no, no cat.

Mack the Don:

She's like she was talking to me. So you know, we were having a country or whatever and we loaded up into a lobby and the guy here's like us all talking, and he's like, oh, you're so fine girl, I'm heartless. Hold on, let me see, let me see, let me see. I do a message right quick. She said what Did you really send me? A dick like that?

Mack the Don:

this this I'm like you're fucking weird, bro, but that's how? But that, unfortunately, though, it's fucked up women. That's the harassment that they experience at all times being a woman in a gaming space.


That's not gonna like you. You know a little dickface Without fail, just a little flaking. Oh, you sound sexy. Let me size you my penis.

Mack the Don:

That doesn't make any sense. The correlation doesn't matter. Just because she sounds attractive, you think the first thing she wants to see is your penis. How about maybe a native?


How about maybe like hey, you sound really cool. More exciting we were gaming all night.

Mack the Don:

Like the moment she saw your penis, she was gonna be like, oh my god, he's so attractive. Let me go ahead and game. No, now you're just a weird ass nigga.


Now you're just a weird ass nigga, so as a black guy, you realize that you just gotta listen.

Mack the Don:

Sometimes you're like, no, let me see what these people gonna say. So you come in with this kind of voice, so you just kind of you go through the conversation and you're like hey, you're styling.


how's my gun Guys, can you believe this? I can't tell you every time, so when?

Mack the Don:

Trump was president. We ended up in a lobby for Call of Duty and I was like watch, watch, watch, because everybody I came with this white so they didn't know I'm black. But we ended up in a lobby where one guy was like Trump 2024.


The other guy was like God bless Trump tension.

Mack the Don:

So we hopped in and I was, like my fellow comrades, our top tier president he is. He is being impeccable, isn't he? Yes, my brother, 2024. Fuck those niggers. Yes, fuck niggers. Yes, that's the notion that I, because I know that like the other.

Mack the Don:

The other side of that is me fighting for my life now, for the next two hours I got to sit here and feel every, every negative, stereo black stereotype when I know that I got two degrees and I could work. Struggles around all you niggers yeah, when I got two degrees he lets more weight than you can. Can bench morning. You can got more money in my pocket than you, but fuck more bitches than you would would not on your mother's face with any incident.


Just because I wanted to. I can do that shit, I know. So that's what I'm saying. That's the thing. What are you going to be like? I got to talk about shit.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, I got to talk about shit Because at the end of the day, I can sit here and let this white man, talk down to me or I can show him like look, you can't hold a camera to me, but what am I? What do I gain from that? Nothing, I'm arguing. I'm not spending the last hours of my night arguing with a random ass nigga who I never see in life. Why don't you pretend to be white and let him think I'm black and or think I'm white, and then we just Talk about?

Mack the Don:

shit where I know that this is a joke to me and this is a serious feat. Well, he's really revealing.


He's revealing himself to me, not realizing that that's who I am.

Mack the Don:

So now I can sit there and go like all right, cool, and when we finish I'm like yeah, I've been black this whole time and I got just to know that you were resets and I got your shit on recorded and we send this to the Xbox.


Bingo. So now, when I get a message from Xbox saying hey, we went through with your, with your report.

Mack the Don:

Now you guys got suspended for at least a month. That's how you get, that's how you jazz back, that's the, that's the trailer. But I had to lie because I know telling the truth would have been way, we've been way more difficult and that's why I was like I understand the, the hesitance that, like treasured people feel with being honest with who you are, because it comes with that level of harassment that sometimes you just don't want to deal with.


You just don't want to be harassed.

Mack the Don:

You just want to be who you are, without the oh. If I tell you I was born a guy and I transitioned into a woman. Now I got to someone's going to ask you, like why did you do that? Like how, on the tip, if that generally interested? That's the conversation that you really don't want to have to have every five seconds Absolutely. Or you get the person who's going to treat you like shit because that and like damn, I was just cool until they not thinking and not feel bad because that means I get called me all types of shit.


Yeah, trying to kill my fucking vibe and shit. Yeah, definitely people out there purposely with intention, trying to kill your vibe, oh, like consistent.


They got nothing to do and I mean they miserable and got no life. So you have to be mindful of those types of people also.


You have to be like because they had nothing else to them. Like but to, but to make you feel bad, because this shit, yeah, the misery seekers, exactly, and that also goes back to this discussion. You, you heard about the Jess. What's her name? Larry Polaris, in transgender, yeah, gender again.


No disrespect, you can't say you're better than a woman, or your evolution of a woman, because you are now doing women were born with a disservice, don't, don't care what you feel like, but what you can't do is say the woman, a woman like by duty, you have rebates and a person who were born a man and that's transistors woman trying to say that they're up the evolution woman, that they are better than or you know they're the evolved, a 2.0 version of the woman.


Yeah, that's right. Yeah push on two babies Same day, let's go with it. Hold on to that. So you doing that and we talking about hello. So I know what you better do it all the way and you just sit in the back and you know. You aspire to be something that you know looks great to you and you're proper respect. That's it, that's all. Yes, I'm not a bizarre concept that I aspire to be, you know, a singer, right, but I'm not a singer, but I'm like, I'm better than the singers.


No, you just just aspire to Exactly so no, when it's like you decided you want to be a fucking singer, you know, run out of concert hall, you know send out fucking advertisers, you know sold tickets.

Mack the Don:

Got my motherfucking stage and send it down. No, not that song.


You started to come on.

Mack the Don:

We shot. They don't fucking try to just say like, yeah, that's cool to think and have those aspirations, but like you, gotta be realistic. There's some caveats and one with that mentality. There was a couple of different articles, but I remember seeing one one post on Tiktok the other day and it was translated male and that's just breaking down how much harder it is to be a man in society than it is a woman. They moved the exact same way as they did with women, but as big and, like you know, I can't like hard to find friends.


Oh they were women. Women are now men, but now a man? Yes, and they wanted to talk about how?

Mack the Don:

how living as a man is more difficult than living as a woman.


I'm about to drop the mic. I'm about to drop the mic. The song is the statue with the man holding the world on his shoulder. I mean, who wants to be a man in real life?

Mack the Don:

So yeah, so yo you'll find out very definitely. Oh, like it's impossible to have friends, like people don't ever want to listen to you, like other men just showing you away, and I know I want to have a little talk to you. Nobody wants to do it, nobody wants to engage in like actual healthy conversation, like if we have a disagree, if I'm a disagreement with a man, he's ready to fight.

Mack the Don:

And that's like I'm kind of fighting for my life, Right, and it's like yeah, because I think the bigger conversation is like is gender just what's between your legs, or is gender the societal construct around was between your legs?

Mack the Don:

Yeah, it's both, because, depending on what you look at it like, because I, like you said both as well that is not only what you have with me, ladies, but it's also how the world around you interacts with you as into individual. If somebody looks at as at a guy and you recognize like visit to you that matches a man, I'm treating you differently than I would if I match somebody to a woman as a whole.


I gave you as being stronger. I gave you as being from a woman's perspective. I gave you as being stronger and more of a threat and I'm not going to say it's a problem. I'm running to you the man who I identified as a man not going to run to the woman who I identified in the room as a woman.


I'm not going to her. First. There's a threat. I'm going to the big, strong man that can be the same size to about that. I'm still going to the man because I perceive him to be something that the woman is not even the way.


he's going to think through the situation Now I want a man to handle this and I think that it gets twisted because again it think it's just a gender. I changed my gender and now I get this respect, I get this particular. No, it's more than that, Because how many guys who are real guys that act more like a woman? Women don't find that sexy. Like man, he real soft, Even if he's a man. He cares about the man. He's born a man, he's a man, but he just acts a little more sweeter.


Jesus Christ. Look at that.

Mack the Don:

He's a sweeter guy.


More feminine. He's still a man who's not a man.


He's still like swimming.

Mack the Don:

But in terms of like, oh, like he might have really long nails, or like he's very feminine or very feminine in his mannerisms. Like he might cross his legs, like he might cross his legs.


He's just a regular man. He's petty but he keeps his nails real long.


But he also carries himself in such a way that he's I used to be a sweeter, not a sweeter, but he's not sexual, he's just a little bit of that. He's just a little bit of that. So in a woman you would look that guy differently. If a guy that came was working construction and you just look, you don't give a fuck, you just look that way.

Mack the Don:

I mean, but everybody, does Like if you look at a woman who's? You look at a woman who's like real pretty and and she's like flawless skin and she got like nice Medicare nails and shit like that, you're not gonna make her carry shit. No, you see, you're like no baby, I got you, I got you you see that girl who's like kind of run down handbanging I be done. She carried a big box on. She be like that's right, that's right, that's right. So see this is a guy that's got a fucking story.


Right. She she got. She been doing this.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, she got that life, but you're not, but you see pretty woman. Like no, she shouldn't be out here carrying all that heavy shit. Let me get excuse me, miss.


I got you what you mean. There you go.

Mack the Don:

I need you to carry this box, just like when you see like an older woman or a man, like if you see an older person on the street, you see like somebody who's in their like 80s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and you see them like going to a door and then, like you see, like the moments there, I mean they are really old, like I might stop, but hold on, Let me let me get the door for you, Tell you shit. Let me like hey, you need some help getting down Top shelf, I got you.


But even like age right, yeah, the environment predicts how old you are, right yeah.


Your environment. Just like how the environment tells you what gender you are, the environment tells you no. If you, I'm going to tell you. If you're older than that, no, I'm running right that door, oh no. Or if you're fine or not, let me run. I might just rather go if we're going right Because of your age, like okay, you'll be fine, but I don't got to run to it.


But if you're older than person, I mean you're going to see the environment around you. They're going to move a little bit, they're going to hustle, make sure you a little more taken care of with people out there. That is so, so true, very true, and you know that's just that's society I mean. So you know, and so that's why it's like you're going against this. That's where the challenges come from, because you're going against what's what society is already defined as, whatever it is, and you just have to be okay with what you rockin on the side of there. You go Like you signed up for a little bit higher challenge situation, just the word it properly to not offend anyone right.


But you do still need to be honest in your approach, especially if you're looking for a solid person to grow with a solid person to actually engage in a relationship that's going to thrive at some point. You cannot build that on. You know dishonesty. No, you can't.


And I'm going to say this because I've heard this in the news too, where everybody's talking old transsexual hurting the kids and all this stuff. Let me say this to you fools out there it's not the transsexuals that's fucking your kids, it's the pastors, the priests, the churches, the Congress, the congressman, the teachers. When you do a pedophile run, I don't see me transgender, if any.


I see a lot of motherfucking pastors and preachers and teachers and congressmen, so are you saying that if you go on the database search that's what you're saying that you're not going to see a transgender community representative.

Mack the Don:

Exactly, they're running something, just to put it in the clarification say we're not anti this group.


No, it's not people to be on. Yeah, but let's also not make that correlation between the children.


Yes, I mean you guys. They have lawyers on TV every fucking day talking about you got touch by a priest in the past 60, 70 years and no church untouched. No one would have said no church and no schools untouched. And we're like, oh, if I went to the same Margaret's Tech, whatever they were, good, the other ones, no, all of them. It went back 70 years and most of these motherfucking priests are dead. Remember, um? I remember Dayline.


Yes, who was that man? I was the president. He's not a chester predator. Yeah, now he revealed a lot of people in the community.


But was there some dude behind it?

Mack the Don:

No, no, it's the same guy's you would see at school functions. How about this thing?


Yeah, they weren't that good.

Mack the Don:

Right, there's counselors there's fucking like headmaster headmaster back teachers, english teachers, like it was people that you see every day. Like what was it? Recently there was some somebody of nooth. They got caught and they were like I mean, I'm just not so remember, but the guy was like he worked for the police oh, just mentioned that. Yeah, well, for the police it was caught up in that shit. It's like the people that they say to be worried about are probably nothing that you need to worry about. There's always something that they don't address, like the person who's going to screw you out of your taxes ain't going to meet, just a Jewish guy, a Jewish guy who has access to your money. Period, absolutely.


It's not. Oh man, I put my money in the black bank.

Mack the Don:

I'm good, the black bank going to hold you, just they're going to hold you, nigga.


Like, if you're controlling your money.

Mack the Don:

It's going to hold you. You got to be controlling your money, Exactly Just like the rhetoric that's utilized to disparage transgenders to say that like, oh, they're coming for our kids. I have a friend of mine who said that to me the other day. I couldn't fight him on it, I just asked him and I just talked up to religious like I'm not going to win it. I'm not not necessarily going to win, but we're not going to have an actual productive conversation Because who you are and your ethos and the things that you believe in all make that idea make sense, Like it makes sense to me when you think that way. So I can't like it doesn't.


I'm not going to change your mind because I know all the things that back it up.

Mack the Don:

I don't have to tackle all those other things first for this thing to break down, but I was like that's too much work, I'm just going to let you just be you. And there's a lot of people who just like, oh, based on my belief system, like black people are very much against gays and a lot of samarials. It's very hard for black children to be gays.


Like, yeah, generations ahead of us don't fuck with that shit.

Mack the Don:

And like even our generation now still trying to find their voices and like I'm hoping that when we are, when we become parents, our generation is a little bit easier for black kids to come out today, black parents, and say, hey, mom, dad, I might, I love my somebody looks just like me and actually be accepted. That's not, has not always been the case, it's not ever, but we're trying to shift that, but that's comes with time. People are like that's just going to happen overnight. You tell them people like say we didn't just flit, what was it? It wasn't just like oh, you already know I'm a slave, so that's the love.

Mack the Don:

And then black people just left alone to just do whatever the fuck they want, like nah. White people kept saying like nah, fuck all that. They may not be slaves, but we got that, doesn't it? Let's fuck that. And so they found ways to fuck with you, whether it was where you went to school, how you ate, when you slept, when you drank water, constant ways to oppress you. And even still we have those ways.

Mack the Don:

So it's like, as transgender is like, I feel for him, but as I said before, it's this society isn't built for something so new. So you guys have to be unfortunate, you have to be the guinea pigs to figure this shit out, like y'all. Gotta be the ones that are the ones who transgender now have to eat those bullets, have to be the ones to say we get treated like shit. But advocating for making life easier for those who come after you, it's just a little bit easier. Ideally, when I'm your agent sitting in your chairs, the conversation is not oh, that's just a weird thing. It's like oh, this is more consistent and normal. Like there's more kids now with parents who are of the same sex than they were when we all were kids. Absolutely Right, and like now, like how many? Like in your class with your kids often will probably have somebody in some of their classes who has two parents, two mothers, two fathers, somebody I mean. But I just don't know.

Mack the Don:

I'm almost positive I would say almost positively that somebody in in one of your three kids's classes is openly has the same sex yeah.


I'm almost positive, that's case only because I say that In the black communities.

Mack the Don:

Even in black communities.


I still think that's impossible.

Mack the Don:

I still think that's impossible. I still think it's impossible, more than it would have been when I was a kid, I think there's a higher probability for that than it was when I was a kid.


I was even in the conversation. I think in a certain demographic.

Mack the Don:

Is that fair? So demographic black people? Yeah, like blacks in the hood, I don't know who we know what, what, what, what Niggas in the hood doesn't necessarily mean that you knock on these guys.


I'm not saying that but where's the black people in the hood who said that I remember the school my kids go to? Two steps, two steps so they're like they couple and they all go to the same like predominantly black school. They all speak in French.

Mack the Don:

That doesn't make sense to me it does seem weird. There's no there, but there's probably somebody.


Yes, yeah, but they're not that open yet. I think still. And that like I think still yeah, because remember, that's something we, my kids, went to school for years on the southern Prince George's County side, right, so it's it wasn't. I told you there's no, we probably got two white teachers in the building.

Mack the Don:



We got several and a lot of them African teachers, because it's French immersion, right. And then there's several black men who are teachers, right? Oh yeah.

Mack the Don:

That's not the same. Yeah, I'm just saying it's just not the same dynamics. Remember, pg County is that affluent black.


So even though it's the southern part, you know a lot of them are like homeowner, so it's like it just pulls out a totally different group. I think of who we are represented, but I see a different parts of PG County with that. Yeah, we can start identifying groups like that, but I just kind of not see any. I just that's just that's surprising at all.


I think when the producer went to school there are a couple of teachers that were gay.


I don't remember where you're at. Yeah, yeah, I think the openness is a key thing. What you said, though.

Mack the Don:

I think it's the opening of something where I went to school. They were talking about everything. I went to school Most of white people, though, so anything pretty much flew around me. Niggas are new people who are gay, like many, many gay parents and many gay students Like I knew a lot so it's just that was just my life, like it's just vastly different than others.

Mack the Don:

But I still think, like I said, the acceptance level of it is a lot higher. Like it seems a lot more you're more likely to find somebody in somebody's school with a gay parent now versus before, when I was gay.


But like if you had gay parents, niggas didn't help.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, nobody had a clue. Like you never introduced your idea of parents. Or like you saw one parent at a time because only one parent went to school, because we're not going to both our spots up, so you moved me to face parent at the school and then I'm the one who's going to be in the background, type of shit. I've seen that growing up but like I feel like it's more accepted with quotation marks than it was before. But even the acceptance rate is so low it's like saying, oh, five percent to 10%, like it's just, it's not. It's not where it should be. I think the world as we know it is constantly shifting and constantly being dynamic and constantly evolving, but the way people's mentalities are, the way people accept things, have not changed as much as the environment around the past.


That is true because you don't in church, in a black church. You know the organist was gay. You know the. You're a fireman. He was just as free as hell. You know you sit up there looking at the, you know. You know, you know, definitely, look, look, look. You know, not actually, you know, but I'm too much fucking up. No, that was gay. You know it was gay. But the past will always be up there preaching and preaching about if you're homosexual, you're gonna burn in here. I'm thinking, wait a minute. Mr Johnson, who's the organist and the choir director, is flaming and obviously gay.

Mack the Don:

This man is paying money in two times and you tell him fuck that, it's like.


It's like him playing the Xbox, though you just gotta play it long. You gotta play it long.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, time and energy, you know, and, and more likely like in those scenarios, if the church didn't know right, they're gonna take you up the fuck up. Mm, hmm, Point blank, period. They're not. They're gonna take you shut up, so you're not gonna say shit. And then, like pastor, I'm sitting at Sam and I open you, go burn hell, you like man, this is like water off and up. I can't, I can't pay attention to that. Yeah, because you're not talking to me.


You have to have them in time. And it's like, like you said before, are you going to fight this or are you just going to be knowledgeable that this is what happens and you just ignore them? You know, don't choose that challenge for the day, but do you know how much?


mental suffering. You had to go on with them to realize that I have to listen to the word from Tron Seamon. So. But the pastor said fuck all that. You're going to hell because you fuck men or you fuck women. And you have to in your mind say I'm fighting who I am, I'm trying to get the heron, but based on what I have lived my life, I'm never going to get the heaven. So how do you rationalize that? As a quote unquote Christian, I don't say that there are lots of gay Christians.


Take that as a point. You want to take it? Yes, you would have to find a group that sings to the tune that you're dancing to. But sometimes that tune is just like you, just sometimes you have to party, you're like, you really just have to like look if you sit there and believe it to a T man.

Mack the Don:

being gay is like a bad thing and, like you, you're going to be trying to revert.


If you're like man, that's just who I am.

Mack the Don:

You also know that, like the Bible teaches us that Lord loves all of his creations. Quote unquote. So you should be fine because he means you this way, if that's, if that's how you like, like, sometimes you have to find a way to rationalize that, for yourself to say, yeah, he's saying all that, but rather than the words when I read the Bible, like I'm gonna have to find my own way around that In other words, you're gonna start picking the shoes and you're gonna have to because there's no, there's no this isn't all for me.


Yep, and that's the unfortunate part, because people are now. Now I consider this is the best time to come out. However, you're transgender, gay, whatever, and have some sort of substance, because back in the day, people it can imagine, people die, commit a suicide, drink themselves, death, all kinds of things because they were ostracized by the family. You could, you would, they would rather you be a killer than be gay.




That's some crazy shit.


I rather it was still shame brought to the family. But depending on the family, yeah, like we just can't, we don't want to talk about that.


No, you messed with my family.


Everybody and your family. They don't look like it. But damn about you or your family People we realize thinking like he messing up the family name, family ain't worth shit, your family ain't got nothing, ain't been had nothing, ain't about to get nothing, and you are here trying to kick people about it as damn family because they sleeping with him Got a damn thing to do with you and you talking about kick them out of the family? No, no, bring no ass home. Yeah, so you don't want that rubbing up on the kids so your kids to my name.


nosy ass. They're in business there. They talk lies to children Just because these people gave them me that you gave like that. It's not the same and they'll rub off. They'll like sneeze. No, I'm going to come to the family reunion and sneeze on the kids. No. Breathe in gay air and then all of a sudden to rub off on the cousins and shit. No, we're kicking family people out of the family because of their sexual orientation. We're done with that. That shit was dumb.

Mack the Don:

People was committing suicide. Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, yeah, your mother hurt that bit of your father on his death bed, so I'm so sorry, yeah, yes, sorry. Now you're dying and I'm not living my best gay life and what you want me to do about it now? No, no, like I said, we got ancient families. Oh, you're trying to kick people about in the family. You got some nerve Right, exactly, girl, not to mention you're talking to a gay one.


How the fuck? In childhood you got your family.

Mack the Don:

You're gonna touch every mother's fucking decent death in your shit, you're talking to the pedophile.


But she said no with the gay.


But it's pedophile. Mother fucking weak dog. No, you know it game, but I'm a pedophile, but the gay one you're depper. Burning him, why would that mother?


fucker, fucker kid to shit. No, no, this is just it's time to do better. Yeah, it's time to do better. It's time to do better. Family needs to do better job of taking care of family, even at a distance, and they have to fucking talk. Here's the other thing you gotta fucking talk about it.


Stop hiding the shit for people. You know I ain't gonna send you about something, Mother fucking. If you said something, made it with me. As fucked up as we are and then mad because the younger ones have fucked that shit Cause we're gonna talk about this bullshit, they gonna look this shit going All these young kids.


They talking about everything. They know anything about y'all, because they got the Google, they got what's that? One app Discord is that that yeah, yeah, y'all know nothing about what they talking about, and I think you're going to show them, kids and their conversations, that you're going to be right there, part of it guiding it and making sure that they have the facts.


That's the. We have spent two fucking long as a people, as a society, about protecting our kids from certain things that they didn't see.

Mack the Don:

Like, I'm not going to talk about that. I'm not going to talk about sex. Yeah, what's up with that? Like, why are we protecting kids from the world?


Yeah, we don't want to talk to them about sex.

Mack the Don:

They don't want to talk to them about sex. They don't want to talk to them about slaying them.


You can't just you don't want to talk to your daughters about having sex and they're on their way to a four-year institute spending a night away from home for a month or then, and they don't know nothing about sex. Why would you do that?

Mack the Don:

Because some amazing creepy girls tell her about sex.


I'm close to the mic heart and I'll teach you about sex.


Yes, here we go. Yes, and do you understand what this thought they would get? I can't even talk to my daughter about no sex. I never mentioned to her about sex. What will give you responsibility?

Mack the Don:

Or what's even worse, though, is that you're going to be mad until your daughter comes pregnant. Yeah Well, yes, she's pregnant. Or burn it, or burn it, or burn it.


Yeah they're asking Because you don't need a way. Yeah, you have to talk about the real things in life and you can't leave stuff off the table because it's uncomfortable. You know some of those uncomfortable conversations used to be until uncle moments. Yeah Right, You're not comfortable about talking to your son about this or talking to your daughter about that Talk to your brother or sister, about talking to your child about that?

Mack the Don:

I just don't understand how you have kids and are afraid to talk to your kids about shit that literally can change the trajectory of their life.


No, that's the fact, right. How do you have a kid?

Mack the Don:

and are afraid to talk about sex. You have a kid. You're afraid to talk about religion. You're having a kid. You're afraid to talk about black and white relations. You have a kid. You're afraid to talk Like. You can't be afraid to talk about things as an adult to children, because, guess what, they don't fucking know.


Like it's a problem with talking to your children about insomnia or baby. Yes, there's nothing wrong with talking to your children about interracial dating. Especially now where interracial couples make up a good chunk of couples nowadays and to ask to be miserable in a few good years because I didn't teach you that there's different cultures that you actually need to give a damn about when entertaining these different races. Oh, yeah.


Because why are you dating an Nigerian man and you don't give a damn about the foods that they eat? He's not going to eat you out, or you'll understand what it means to be with a Nigerian man, the culture behind it, the culture behind it as a woman, there's things that they expect of their women.

Mack the Don:

That's the end of men, Exactly End of the men.


So we can't just have our children out here green and not know because we don't come, or you shouldn't talk about that. No, we're going to talk about that. Yeah, with my son said to me one day Mom, can I be anything I want when I grow up? No, excuse me, no, I'm not talking about it. Smartass.

Mack the Don:

You can't work, the fuck you mean anything to me.


You already know. You already know how children do. But we going to talk about that? You know why? Because we can. It's just a conversation, because if you don't talk to kids, somebody will talk to you. No, tiktok, talk to your kids.

Mack the Don:

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. If you don't talk to kids TikTok, talk to your kids, you don't follow at least five.


what are they called Five? What are the TikTok pages?

Mack the Don:



At least five that your kids follow. You don't know what the hell your children know.

Mack the Don:

Because here's the thing TikTok, your four U-Pages kind of just gets constructed based on what you see, what you look at. Right, I have a TikTok specifically for advertising, so I don't use it. So my TikTok is just every fucking way.


But if I go to like some of my friends TikToks, and some of my friends, TikToks are all based around like movies and anime.

Mack the Don:

Some of my friends TikToks are all based around big booty bitches. Some of them are built around fitness influencers and like workouts and shit. So like, depending on what you look at, that's what you're going to talk about. A lot of these kids nowadays are having kids who are much older than them. 14 year olds is in the 16 year olds. You know 16 year olds is the 80 year old type shit. But like, none of y'all niggas know anything.


Yep no.

Mack the Don:

Like y'all should be used and to go viral, exactly because you make a fucking following being a 17, 18 year old, saying like look man you 14 year old, you try to raise up some shit. Bro, let me tell you, let me put you on camera First off. Nigga, at 14, you ain't no shit yeah.


You're 18, you still don't know shit. You still don't know shit yeah. Right. So that is how you start to tell a 14 year old amen, that's how you start off on another 14 year old.

Mack the Don:

What the fuck. You shouldn't be interested.


You shouldn't be trying to help a 14 year old raise nobody else bro, that is so true.

Mack the Don:

You should not be. You should not be. No teenager teaching a 14 year old how to raise nobody up, bro, At 14 year olds though y'all niggas should be just sitting there like oh man, I touched the arm one time like by hitting the arm.


That's what.

Mack the Don:

14 year olds are supposed to be doing.


Y'all have been giving sloppy time to 14.

Mack the Don:

There's a problem Like what I'm saying though, is like this whole conversation is kind of showing that, like, regardless of how things used to be, things are not that way, you know, like things are a lot harder, things are a lot grimer, things are a lot less clear because kids got a lot more information. Now Technology has made it so that you don't got to tell your kids shit. Somebody will tell them. Oh yeah, if you don't say it, they'll find somebody who says it. If you say I don't want to talk about sex with my daughter, my son, fine Bobby Joe Biden, over here with 7 million followers, go tell their kids. Tell your kids like, look, did you touch your penis on her body? Yet you got pregnant. You got to be ready to be a phone. If you say that, know he's lying, know he's incorrect, but your kids, 14 year olds, like he, just say it like amen.


He was at the dance house running behind the next year.

Mack the Don:

I know she was pregnant.


No, I think if somebody has sex with her beforehand and, like you, run up on her and do a goddamn thing bro, there's so much misinformation out on the social media platforms and or just misstatements and a lot of them just to go viral, just for the views, just because you know it was provocative and it was going to pretty much do what it was supposed to do, absolutely. And your children are just sucking it on in and, you know, maybe they didn't believe it the first time it showed up, right? And they keep going onto these platforms and scroll in and keep receiving the same messages.


Eventually, if no one else is saying anything other than that in the back of their head, they start to think that that is true.


Because mom and daddy scared to tell me I might go earn a body. I watch it because I tell you you're going to do it. Yeah, no, that's the stupidest thing you've done, woman, I can't tell you about sex, because if I tell you you're going to do it, you're going to do it anyway.

Mack the Don:

Come on bro, Come on, bro I don't tell you, you go find out, but then you'll find out what you got to get.



Mack the Don:

You'll find out what that girl's pregnant, or what she, or when you're pregnant. Oh, you can't Okay, right, you also. You wake up. Oh, it's actually pregnant.


It's pregnant, yeah, it's pregnant, oh it's in the heartbeat.


I'm sorry, mom, because now she, I didn't think it was something.

Mack the Don:

She said, it was supposed to be worse.


No, it was in the heartbeat it's going to run with it, you burned.


That's why they say that's why they say it's pregnant.


Yeah, now you know you, then you mad the kid. Don't be mad the fucking kid. Be mad at yourself Because you don't want to hurt now, she's easy.


I'm supposed to go like.

Mack the Don:

Because here's the thing at the end of the day, like you was the adult, you control the conversation. Yes, like you realize, like your, your threshold of awkward as you get older it gets larger. Like shit has to really Be od for me to feel like damn, this is actually how I fucked up. I need to remove myself.

Mack the Don:

I don't want to be a part of this things have to really have gone sideways, yeah, but at 14 I could literally just have have walked past us girl, and now that we're all developing and shit, I walked past and brush on them against the tape. Now, at 14 years old, we brush a tee. So what do you think? Your 14? Oh, is gonna do this like y'all. We want to have six opportunities, like If they're old enough and they are able to take in the information, then they sign an awkward conversation.

Mack the Don:

But if you can't start ready for sex, Guess what we say so look, what you're gonna do is like when you meet a lady, son you, you are gonna talk, or whatever and at one point you're gonna need to pull your penis like nothing you pee with. Yet You're gonna want to stick in that side of her. Huh, yeah. So what you're gonna do is then you go crazy, you're gonna go in and out of fast, you pop again. It's gonna feel real good at that point you come on here.

Mack the Don:

You can make it just quickly an awkward for your kid, but still gives them the information and they're gonna meet if they're not ready. They go both of the conversations anymore, oh yeah.


Yeah, in other words, the conversation is gonna go from five to seven minutes to one to three minutes. Exactly.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, because it's so weird, because then, because they're like, wow, I don't, I don't really want to like that's too.


I don't want to know all that because they're not ready.

Mack the Don:

But that's like the key that is ready, he's gonna ask follow-up questions. And now you're like, uh, this thing actually serious about it. Okay, so now you you approach conversation differently, because now you're like, oh no, you really, you really want me about this life. All right, so let me just give you all that information, mm-hmm.


And now you gotta make an intelligent choice, that is true, and then think about it. You probably have to have that conversation with your girls before you have with your boys, because girls it's not See, it's always a conversation.


You know, when we say you started early, it's what? Five and seven Because you do have that yeah, and appropriate touches. Yeah, you ain't sitting on nobody's laps like you stuff, oh no, no. Yeah, like you and you building up to you know the anxious. Yeah, you're adding information, exactly.


Yeah, but those conversations they are so short and so sweet, right, and it's only as they get older, where they're in need of you know more information, and a little bit more information than when you were really getting back to the information I gave you before. Remember I told you this and then you add on just a little bit more, so it shouldn't be something that you know. You feel like a rock is sitting on you type of thing. Oh, I can't do it.


Yeah, open up your damn mouth right and talk to your kids for 60 seconds about what's going on out there in the world, how it's more than just sex. Right, I can talk to my son about how the other kids around him are reacting.


Because you may have not been sexually, you know, touched or inappropriately touched. But the children around you can also go through things and be inappropriately touched too. So pay attention. You know. If someone needs help or looks like they're, you know not being on themselves, you know, at least let us know, let's have a conversation. Yes, you know for a fact that happens. Yeah, because the children, your peers, would be able to know this and call things out there, I think, before we as parents, especially working as parents, as adults like we, I don't, as you know.

Mack the Don:

I guess you all agree on my sentence. I don't pay attention to what children do Like that does concern me. So if I'm going through my every day and I'm like, oh man, like kids are going to be frustrated, fight whatever, I'm not going to pay them on to it.


But as a kid like you, they just do your niggas. Like you see niggas every day, you know.

Mack the Don:

Like those people that you're supposed to be cool with, like those people you want to see survive and like thrive. So you recognize that, like man, this girl was cool and then all of a sudden, one day she came in. Now she's like that he is and no one's talking to her right now and it's very standoff, and so, like she was really cool with everybody and then we had this party next to you, you know, like she, she disappeared for a few days and then she came back.

Mack the Don:

Now she's really standoff and she's like he was really cool people and next to you, you know. Like he got really aggressive out of nowhere and also started being kind of like nonchalant about everything.

Mack the Don:

And now you see, and now that's because at that same age 14, 15, 16, now that's what? Not only is there sex, but now there's drugs, yeah, alcohol. Now that's now that's you develop right as a woman. So now you, you start to become jaded to the world, because now you start to see that like, oh, as a woman you start developing. Now you got niggas who you're in no cat.



Mack the Don:

Saying like hey, girl, you look good, she's pretty, she's going up.


You're still going up with her. He's going up.


Hey first on the video yes, on the demon time, all friends.

Mack the Don:

And so you get scared of the woman You're like damn, like.


You just need to know how to manage that.


Exactly that means what happens if you have someone that has never talked to you, or how to manage that.


That's right, that's right. You feel crazy, you feel like oh my goodness, I'm in a snake pit. I'm a mouse in a snake pit, as opposed to you walking around you know as a lady. Like no. First of all, rule number one I ain't moving by my damn self Like I'm a lady, yes. I ain't no business being out here in the world by myself, like no, because yeah, I see how the men looking at me looking crazy like I'm a meal Move with your numbers and think of this.


Think of a young lady who never had my guy in her never had love, her sexual love, never did anything to her, to her, whatever. And now she's developing and she's starting to give me attention that she never got growing up For anything, unless she fucks up my dad and you yell at her and she's going to take that attention as they want me or I have a look that's giving. I'm giving that attention, though. I'm getting that attention I've never gotten before.


Now you open her up to. You know, they give me. They give me a little love. Maybe I need to give a little love. That's how these young girls end up in a situation where they get hooked on somebody.


They get pregnant in a situation that's the young girls getting hooked up too early in life and then you get attached to something that you know technically would have been worth your while. But, because you didn't know anybody, because your foundation wasn't, you know, built up strong, you know you couldn't pretty much move and then move on Right. So, like you said, you got tied down.


And see, and now you know, in this situation you have the same permanent and you shift for you. How are you getting in this situation?


Yeah, Because ain't nobody got me and teach me what was I then supposed to be doing that shoes?


And yeah, and then you also a lot of times you, within our community, you see your anti children. Yeah, you know once like what you mean. You ain't gonna drop your kids off at Fridays. They're not they going on a date. They want to sit at their table at the Fridays for two hours. They're gonna order some appetizers, some little Shirley temples, some little slabs of reds, and then we're gonna come pick them up. Yes, they want mixed and mingled.


And that's why, when that doesn't happen, you end up with awkward young adults.


Yeah, boys who are too attached at too young age. So he's 18 and now he can finally go on a date in the first girl that he dates or touches up and stuff too. Now he's, he's obsessed Right Like nah. I need her, Bring her back to me, Never touch no one else. Yes, and the same thing with the female.


You know you need to allow your children to experience life just a little bit while you still can guide them through it, because by the time they turn 18, 19 and they become that young adult, you know time it's no longer the time to. You know grown them the way you were supposed to when they were 12.


Yeah, hey, you're fucking right, because people carry away. Oh my God, you get to 18, 19, I'm gonna raise you.


Motherfucking you have from zero to 17 to raise that kid. Yeah, now, because they're not doing what you thought they should have done. By the way, you weren't fucking there from zero to 17. You was working and doing everything else and the TV raised them and everybody else raised them. Now you want to put your two cents in? Or you need to be better or you need to be this motherfucking. You should have done that before.


And it's not even that the kid needs to be better. It's now that you realize that you need to be better. That's why you're saying you need to interject yourself now into what this child is doing because you didn't do so beforehand.


No, you didn't. So, it's like now you're chastising the kid because you feel your job is a parent, because you know you thought that I would move from the head food in the mouth you know they're good. No, motherfucking, there's more than that. There's a conversation you have to have with them constantly. It doesn't happen like every other week or every other year. It happens constantly. Well, me and my siblings in the car, we had conversations every fucking day about everything and where everyone talk about, we go talk about it.


Sometimes I'm like they're like there's a little twist to it. But you have to listen. You can't just blow it all off on his one. In my mouth they're going to tell you some shit, oh God they're going to reveal.


as children talk, they can't help but to reveal. But remember, that's what the diner and table was for. Hmm, remember people used to have breakfast and dinner.


You know like dinner. You had that conversation. What was your day about? We always had it. It wasn't like, oh, you downstairs eating, we up in the car eating, we outside eating. We all eat together because I want to hear what's going on for the day, because me and your mom need to have a little take-a-take like what's going on, so maybe I miss something.


It's a place for everybody to decompress and it's a place for your kid to be honest, Like we.

Mack the Don:

We are as people, while on the other basis, almost on that In so many ways, in so many ways, in so many ways. So this I mean at least one point in your day you can sit down and be honest, like you know what Today was a fuck up day. Yeah, I had a shit day and I hated every last thing I did. You should even let your kids come home and say the same shit, just like you have a fucking day right there.

Mack the Don:

Fuck the days of school. Nothing goes right. They go to ask. They go to ask girls to the dance. Girl says no.


They go fucking day shot.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, they go day shot.


So when you?

Mack the Don:

see a little nigga come home you should be like hey, bro, you good, yeah, yeah, yeah, mom, fine. And then the spotty. You're like oh, got your heart hurt, feel bad knowing it Shit's up. Let me help you out. First thing you do is listen to some music. We'll put you on game. Listen to this first.


Hey, sometimes you have to get a once to feel like, hey look, let me show you healthy ways of dealing with this shit. Some of that shit don't work. I remember one day I remember saying probably shit, I was so disrespectful. Came in my room one day, Andrew Stone, my sunshine woke up.

Mack the Don:

Yeah, you remember that song, right?


She said to me I noticed you had broke up with that guy. I'm not going to mention his name, but she said I noticed you had broke up with such and such. I just want to let you know your sunshine woke up.




Yeah, I would never forget that. I was just like wow, wow, tell your mom and me, this guy broke up again Like who keeps snitching out on me. Yeah, she was right. No, but for real, there it is. In that moment of because I was like what the first moment there just broke up.

Mack the Don:

Right, so you're not going to tell me more than days ago I'm hurt. Right now, what about my hurt? Let's talk about it. But as we go, you recognize that.


There's a fact I didn't even have to mention it. Right, I didn't even have to mention it and probably the music that I was playing. She was like nah, that's not the music that you get. I was like no, we're going to turn on E's first album. Yes, yes and. I'm just going to rock. Friday she was like nah, y'all got to slow this down, this ain't just thumbs up.


So parents do, that is your job.


It's to read the room, it's to give small, subtle suggestions, whether it be a good song, whether it be a Bola ice cream. You know to engage in conversation with something other than nothing, and I'm going to be sitting at night. Come jump on this game with me. So, yeah, yes.

Mack the Don:

Yes, because I can't tell you how many times conversations could start even with my friends now, whereas, like, maybe you had to sit there like, like you could just tell me when you have had miserable days or just the after. Whatever you hop on game, you're like bro, let's hop on substance and you hop on substance, you're a little me you play, you play, you play, you play, you play.


So what's going on, bro? Yeah Game. So I did decompression, yeah, and then I was like man, I just, I just had a shit day, all right, cool.

Mack the Don:

Well, you know what I'm going to watch. I'm going to buy it, yeah.


And then you let it.

Mack the Don:

you leave it alone, Obviously as a friend, but like as a parent, like the same energy and parts to me that should, that should be your first action, like huh, I can't go fucked up you straight. No, I'm not straight. All right, so here's what I can do, like that's why I know let's go do something, yeah, whatever. Like let's go see a movie, let's do whatever.


But just be a fucking supporter, but let it be true to who you are outside.




Yes, Don't be like oh, let's go to the gun range. You ain't never shot a thing. You like to go blossom?


What are?


you doing, sir? You can't just go make some shit up. No, no, you're not athletic, no, I can't have a heart attack on that?


Yeah, yes, let me be genuine. Don't stop playing Call of Duty just because your son came through the door and you don't play this game, but he was. The kid is going to be irritated. What the hell are you doing, dad? What are you doing at home? Yeah, yeah, but if you used to have it met and you used to throw the ball around with your dad nah, I picked that up, yeah, and he might fight you a little bit off of it, just like how I fought my mother off that song, right.


But I'm damned to find out about some Angie Stone. Exactly, this is something that relates to US parents. It's okay to push them off on your children and they also be rejected from your children, right? But we still received it because it's that thing that you're going to promise he go with. That damn met in this ball, but one of you using that to talk to him, you're also showing him a tool to talk to his child and you're also showing people how to cope.

Mack the Don:

The first part is about being the youngest coping. You don't know coping skills, so you just do what you can?


We were not talking coping skills. Exactly, we were not talking about how to navigate emotions or relations, and on the place we go to learn, stuff is in schools. Now we don't need to do something. It seems like it's really going to stop.

Mack the Don:

I know there's one business school nowadays, and that's just regular schools. And regular schools don't have the bandwidth and a lot of scenarios to help you navigate through those little nuances and teachers it's not the job to be out here raising your kid, that's you. If you're kidding, I know big brother, big sister, they can lean on. That means they lean on you.


Absolutely. It's okay and that should be fine, because your brother or the biggest sister in that house got to lean on you. I have to, yeah, I have to, so it's fine. Play your position and play it well. See you upset at the end, towards the end of the road. When you then play your position well, all the cards come down Like this is not the house I thought I built.


We know you didn't actually do the damn thing. No T, and what she says is so true, Literally. I can go back and look at when you first had our son and people would have kids at the same time.


You thought that maybe we were different, like, oh well, we're all in the same. Everybody raised their kids in the same way. Well, all you got to do is you sit back and look at from zero to in your 20s and I can tell you, based on and we thought we weren't doing no different than anybody else. They're all doing the same thing. I was a lot different than we were, at a different level than they were, and I asked myself, like did we do anything different than anybody else? And the wife said yeah, we made sure that we were always there for our kid. We always made sure that one of us was dead Making a good point to shut the fuck up and listen Like as a lesson kid, I can tell you that because I would see that movie.

Mack the Don:

A lot of people's issues, like nobody listens, that's your problem. You don't have nobody who wants to sit down and just take it like good or bad. They tell you like oh, you say something. Like man, I fucking hate this teacher, bro. If I was sorry, I said I'm sorry, boss, I'm not gonna shit out of her. No, no, say that you can't smack T. Yeah, you can't say take it a little. Look, I feel that you know you can't find nobody because that's, that's a whole court case of the hell and shit. But I feel that I feel that on a spiritual level, like I get tired of my boss sometimes, what's my check? Like that immediate relation means that you're not negating how I feel about this and you just saying, as a door and look, I feel that you can't do it. There's a whole bunch of legions that come with that, but I feel I feel that sentiment. So now let me, let's talk about it, let's be, let's, let's, let's engage in the actual adult dialogue.


That's a word, that's a level of care, right. I felt that my parents cared about me because they were willing to listen to me, or I didn't feel like my parents cared about me because they never listened to me, but like that's a level of care. So if your children feel like you're not listening, they also probably feel like you're not hearing. And it might be because you're not and you may be providing and protecting. But if you don't show that you can, then you also that comes out in other ways.

Mack the Don:

I had a friend of mine. He used to. Once I was at his house he got dreamed up by his mom Like hey, if you bought this, because if you bought this home, like would that be cool, like this kind of these sexual scores and shit, I was like honestly, not from my house, I said, but my standards a bit.


And she's like yeah see.

Mack the Don:

That's why, like I want to, say what you're doing. And she was using me to cuss her own child out. But I'm like, miss. What you felt realized is something I said my standards are different, what's allowed in my household is different, so I carry myself different.


I'm here and I'm built up differently.

Mack the Don:

Yes, whatever you're doing is allowing your child to think that bringing the shit at home is alright, or whatever. You're not doing Exactly. You kids like that. Fuck them. I'm going to do whatever the hell.


I want. You are not following up to make sure that they turned into assignments that they did.

Mack the Don:

You're not communicating with the teacher, or do you only care when they do bad yeah? Like the only time I ever hear anything from you is when I have bad grades. But if I was like, oh, I'm going to watch this, you don't get a flaw If I told you I'm going to be home tonight, such as such, there's no dinner made. I got $20 on the fucking kitchen counter. We're going to be out tonight. Go over to your social food you do that shit enough.


Which kids hasn't done anything for me? So guess what happens.

Mack the Don:

They don't get off for nothing else. You only care about music. He didn't care about acting, he didn't care about school, he didn't care about math, he didn't care about life, because he didn't have to the happenings that you get home and get cussed out for your grades, but y'all didn't show up to no games, y'all haven't. Like anytime I've been here, y'all talk to this man. It's complaining about solutions and even if you ever get from praise, like you ever say like, hey, what a good job you did on this thing. No, I got praise when I went home, I got my capsule back, so I did well.

Mack the Don:

I also got my ass kicked so I did poor so I knew like, okay if.


I'm trying to just live my life and not be bothered.

Mack the Don:

Then I have to face up what I can do with distance school.


That is also teaching your child the world Correcting them when they do something that is poor, right, and building them up and praising them when they do something that is proper. And if you're not receiving that, you're not teaching your child to go out to the world and be able to perceive the world for what it really is, because the world is going to stomp on you when you're doing poorly, absolutely.


And it is really endless and it's unreal. Endless, I mean it's constant, because that's what life is. Life isn't easy, you know everybody can't believe I'm here. Oh, for the life is not easy. To be right, life is what it is and life is what you choose it to be, because again, you can sit back and complain about all the other shit that's going on and that's what you can't do anything. Wait, you're saying I'm going to be fucked up, so I'm going to do different. I'm going to be different, I'm going to walk a different walk to get to what I need to get to. So that means you have to have that intestinal fortitude to say fuck this, I'm going to do better, I'm going to be better and do it. You got to choose. The better you have to choose the better.


And you know people, parents, you have to listen to your kids. Can't just feed them, Can't just put a loop or anything, can't just talk to them. No, you have to fucking listen to them. Yep, because they say a lot of things. And I'm going to say this to you, and I hope this is not a cautionary tale the moment your kid does not come back to you, the moment your kid tunes you out the moment you write. I'm the one who tells one of my kids you fucking lost it and you never get them back. Because let me tell you what they're thinking. I can't get the fuck out of here. Because then I'm going to really deal with you. This kid that would go to college they would never come back. This kid that would go to the military would never come back. This kid who would just fucking leave and never come back. And then you're going to blame them. But if you really look at yourself, it's you. You're the reason why they walked away and never came back and never wanted to talk to you.


And then when they do come back. You want to tell you the truth. Now they're all over and I can't be true. No, no, it's their truth, because you refuse to be the parent. So again, whether your kid is a normal kid or a kid who's transgender, feeling certain ways, or just a kid who's gay, listen to them, because the world does not give a fuck about your kids. I'm going to say it again the world society don't give a fuck about your kids. You have to be the person that get ready for this society in which they have to struggle and succeed. So if you don't do that, you don't set up another person on here who's a war for failure, and we have enough of it. So with that, we're going to end today's episode on the right at the end and see people. You know what you got to do Just subscribe, hit the like button, hit the bell, so you can get all the new episodes and we'll be back very soon with a new episode. So peace and blessings.

Being Honest in Transgender Relationships
Transgender Challenges in Building Trust
Navigating Identity and Harassment in Gaming
Gender Constructs and Societal Expectations
Society's Impact on Age and Gender
Open Communication in Families
Open Communication With Children Is Important
Parenting's Impact on Young Adults
Parental Support and Communication Importance
The Importance of Parental Communication
Support for LGBTQ+ Youth by Parents